
 From:  sayd (PEBBL)
Hello its me again, hmm Im having so much questions.
I thought, hey why dont fast create the apple mighty mouse. But...

I found two pic of the mouse which i used as ref. images. In the front view i outlined the mouse. I did the same with the top. Now i dont know any further. I created arcs around the bottom and the front curve to create the hull. But that didnt work out for me, as i couldnt really set the middle of the arc on the respective lines, so alot of tweaking would be necessary which would only make the creation ugly.

Can you give me any tips on how to do create such an object?
I already looked into the bath tutorial but i wasnt able to use the technic here.

Edit: I searched a bit, and watched the tutorial of the sixed legged pod. So i guess i have to use skinning rail! I will try it.

EDITED: 18 Apr 2008 by PEBBL

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1557.2 In reply to 1557.1 
Hi sayd - generally loft won't work for something that has a smooth end on it, usually loft would be for things that end in a flat face. That can then be rounded with a fillet, but it isn't quite the same shape as creating a fully rounded surface right off the bat.

To create a fully rounded surface right from the start, you would usually use either sweep, or network.

For sweep, one technique is mentioned here:

There was some recent discussion of other mouse shapes here, which may be of interest:

However, those shapes were not quite as completely ovoid-ish as the apple mouse.

Since this is such an ovoid elliptical type shape, it makes me think that possibly using a surface of revolution based method to kind of make a squished sphere type shape might work for this.

One method to produce squished sphere type shapes is to use the "Rail" revolve command. It pivots a profile around an axis similar to regular revolve, except it also uses an additional guide rail to deform the shape.

So for example if you have these 2 curves:

The one in yellow there can be the profile curve for the rail revolve. Then run Construct / Rail revolve, and pick the other one as the rail. Then pick the 2 points for the rotational pivot axis at the ends of the profile. That will create this result:

Now the bottom of the shape can be cut off by doing a boolean with a line segment. Anyway, that's one possibility. I've attached those curves here as .

- Michael

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