Orient on surface ?

 From:  marcorhino
Hi, Michael

it is possible to orientate a perpendicular object to a surface on intersection ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1543.2 In reply to 1543.1 
Hi Marco, for a general surface this will be difficult because there isn't any method to create a surface normal from a general surface right now.

But it looks like you may have a cylinder surface there? In that case it is possible to create a surface normal by drawing a line from the central axis line.

Once you have a surface normal line as a target, it is possible to use a combination of Transform/Move and Transform/Rotate (or possibly Rotate Axis) to orient the object.

Here is an example for how to do that:

To orient this cylinder to this line, start by selecting the cylinder and running Transform/Move. Pick the base of the cylinder as the start point of the move:

Pick the surface intersection point as the end point of the move:

Then to rotate into place, in this example it can be done by doing a 2D rotate from the Front view. Pick the center of the rotation at the intersection point, and the base angle point at the top of the cylinder:

Then pick the last angle point at the end of the normal line:

This will orient the cylinder in a perpendicular manner:

I definitely want to add some orientation tools to make this easier to do though. For version 1.0 though you have to use moving and rotating as individual steps.

- Michael

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 From:  marcorhino
thanks MIchael

the problem is in this case


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1543.4 In reply to 1543.3 
Hi Marco - for placing many items like you show there, instead of using the "Move" command, use Transform/Copy instead.

While Transform/Move will end after picking one target point, Transform/Copy will instead let you continue to place another copy for every target point that you click, so click one target point at each of those intersections to place a copy there.

Then I think you can select a row of those bristles, and then use Transform/Rotate on a row at a time to angle them off to the side like I showed above there.

Please let me know if you need a more detailed explanation.

- Michael
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 From:  marcorhino
Thanks Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Something very simple is to use the helpers : draw any lines perpendiculars & lines to anything then draw your object ;)

And for your last example : Array / Curves /(free form or flat ) can make the trick by lines! ;)

EDITED: 14 Apr 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  manz
1543.7 In reply to 1543.1 
As you already have construction lines on surface, then you can simply create a line or cylinder from the int:

Then perp from the front/side view.

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  jbshorty
another easy solution is to trim a copy of the target surface, so the trim corner is becomes the target point for orienting. Then offset the trimmed surface, and draw line btween the original corner and the offset corner. Now you have a "normal" line to do the orienting...

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