Cool tut!
Seems all the first part can be made in 2 click !!!
Take a big Sphere : draw the 2 perpendicular curves 'as your models'
"Boolean merge" with one then with the second et voila ;)
Or even just one click with 2 curves and again the "Boolean merge"
Frenchy I didnt quite get it....
when I do what you say I dont get the shape that the
gaz tank should have.
By the way cool tutorial !
Michael it would be cool if we coul add a row of points into this kind of
cage ....
I think basicaly you could start with every shape
ie this rotated shape to get the starting point.
A sphere has limited amount of points so it can
limit the exact end shape too.
heres what I made from a rotated curve with
more points then a sphere
If you look at the bottom of this shape you can see that I started
from a base shape with a sharp corner point.
So this is also a possibility.... it doesnt have to start with a sphere !