
 From:  Mr Braun (LORENZO71)
A little Moi project: a little question for you Michael...

When i project a curve on solid, if i extrude this i have only the border... how can have a solid??

Tnx in advance!

MrBraun - Moderator - Cinema4d R10.5 - Moi3D v.1.0

EDITED: 14 Mar 2008 by LORENZO71

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 From:  Mr Braun (LORENZO71)
1451.2 In reply to 1451.1 
Previe in cell render with Cinema4D!

Tnx for viewing!
MrBraun - Moderator - Cinema4d R10.5 - Moi3D v.1.0
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1451.3 In reply to 1451.1 
Have you enable caps ? (end or both)
Have you an example 3dm file of your problem?
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 From:  Mr Braun (LORENZO71)
1451.4 In reply to 1451.3 
Tnx Pilou, this is a simple scene!

MrBraun - Moderator - Cinema4d R10.5 - Moi3D v.1.0

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1451.5 In reply to 1451.4 
I see ;)
After your extrude
Just Trim the Cylinder by the projected curve on it (keep)
and move it to the extremity ;)

EDITED: 14 Mar 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1451.6 In reply to 1451.5 
Hi MrBraun, yes MoI will only understand how to automatically cap an extrusion if it is of a planar curve.

If you extrude a non-planar curve you will get only the side parts and no capping surface.

There are a few different ways to get what you want though.

Like Pilou shows, one method is to trim the cylinder with your projected curve (projection is actually built in to the trim command directly, so you don't really need to do a separate projection step if you want to do this), then move the trimmed fragment over and that can be your cap.

Another method is instead of doing the extrude on the curve, you can trim out the surface piece, and then do an extrude with that small surface selected instead of the curve. When extruding a surface, MoI knows how to make an end cap for it, because it can be done by just copying the base surface over.

But generally it can be easier to keep caps on things if you work with solids throughout instead. By this I mean instead of doing a projection to generate a curve, extrude your circle into a cylinder and boolean it on to the other cylinder, then use a boolean to carve away the end with a curve.

This method is illustrated here:

It can be easiest to end up with a closed solid if you keep things as a solid more throughout the process and use booleans to cut pieces away.

- Michael
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 From:  Mr Braun (LORENZO71)
1451.7 In reply to 1451.6 
Tnx both, Pilou and Michael for the reply! :)

Tnx for the support!:)
MrBraun - Moderator - Cinema4d R10.5 - Moi3D v.1.0
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 From:  Mr Braun (LORENZO71)
1451.8 In reply to 1451.7 
Just a test render!

C&C are welcome!
MrBraun - Moderator - Cinema4d R10.5 - Moi3D v.1.0
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1451.9 In reply to 1451.8 
It's coming along well Lorenzo, I like the materials for the screen.
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 From:  Mr Braun (LORENZO71)
1451.10 In reply to 1451.9 
Tnx Michael! I must work hard on this! :)
MrBraun - Moderator - Cinema4d R10.5 - Moi3D v.1.0
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