MoI 3 Projections :)

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Alas not yet found :)

Maybe next time!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
144.2 In reply to 144.1 
M and O look good, it's 2/3 of the way there!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

A new try (4/5) :)
Seems impossible with this design of letters :D (same forms file above)
Else funny to do :)

Program just crash one time on "Bolean union" of a complex object entielrely "auto trimed" ---> Bolean union
(maybe I have no right to do that? :)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
144.4 In reply to 144.3 
> Boolean union crash.

Can you look for a file inside your \Program files\MoI folder, and if you've got one, please e-mail it to me at ? That crash report file has some information in it which might help me analyze the crash.

For surfaces that have been trimmed to touch edge-to-edge, you should generally try to use Join to create a single object out of them, not boolean union - use boolean union when there are some parts that intersect with each other.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
144.5 In reply to 144.4 

Ok I finfd it ! Only two !
It's a good score for a new prog :)
Have good reading!)
Can I delete them (for make some place :) after send you the reports? :)

ps For the logo above, I have not made all combinaisons, but seems some hard with that design :D

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 From:  Michael Gibson
144.6 In reply to 144.5 
> Can I delete them (for make some place :) after send you the reports? :)

Yup! Thanks for sending them.

- Michael
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