Array distance .......

 From:  rayman
Hi !
Maybe I´m overlooking something I even found array scaling.... and script but
is there a method to pick an array distance and then dividing it into the amount of
array objects rather then picking the distance from the first to the second object.
In most other software this is the default ... in sketchup you can do both array mulitply
and array divide. If not this is a feature request I have.
A second would be array on objects. This would be usefull for cutting out equally distant holes ie. for diamonds in jewels
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1430.2 In reply to 1430.1 
Hi Peter, at the moment you could try drawing a line and then use that line as the path curve in Array Curve.

I do want to add "total distance" as an option in Array Dir though, I have added that and the array on surface in to the wiki wishlist so I can keep track of it for v2 (

- Michael
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 From:  rayman
Michael !
Thank you very much I knew you would find a way
of doing it well !
Yes this does exactly what I want it divides the array distance into equal
object arrays !
If one uses it in 2econd dimention it even makes a parallelogram array.....
and many more array distributions....

Theres so many tips and good tricks those should be collected into documentation.... they are realy great !!!

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 From:  renklint
1430.4 In reply to 1430.3 
Super, didn't think it was possible. Thanks for asking the question and thanks for the tip.

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 From:  madmanmoon
"Theres so many tips and good tricks those should be collected into documentation...."

great idea!

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