Extrusion problem

 From:  Brian (BHEALY27)
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I checked out the extruding text on a curved surface post and was able to do that without a problem.

However, I'm finding I'm having a problem doing a simple extraction along these lines:

If I create a solid cylinder and trim a circle out of its side and try to extrude that circle (similar to the way you do text) I find that the etrusion only slides along the surface parallel to the cylinder wall. I cannot get it to extrude perpendicular to the wall. Why does it work for the text extrusion but not in this case?


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1397.2 In reply to 1397.1 
can you post a little image? (With attachments button)
or a file 3dm
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 From:  clegg (PADGE)
1397.3 In reply to 1397.2 
Hi Brian

Is this what you mean?
I just did the same as with text on a round object.
Hope it helps
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 From:  Edwin (EDWINTSI)
1397.4 In reply to 1397.3 
Maybe i'm wrong but maybe you could set the direction when extruding? (it's an option in the info panel)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1397.5 In reply to 1397.1 
Hi Brian, by default a non-planar curve will extrude in the z-axis direction.

For your text extrusion, probably that was the desired direction, but for your cylinder I would guess that your cylinder is vertical so you would rather extrude in the y-axis direction instead of z-axis.

To do this, push the "Set dir" button (as Edwin mentioned) that shows up when you are inside the Extrude command. This will allow you to pick 2 points, and the line between those 2 points will become the extrusion direction. So pick 2 points along the y axis in this case and your extrusion will go in the y-axis direction instead of the default z-axis direction.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BHEALY27)
Thanks guys.

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