Filling non planar curves

 From:  Brian (BHEALY27)
I know that I can take a planar closed curve and create a surface object by using the construct>planar command. However is there a way to create a surface from a non planar closed curve.

For example If I projected a circle onto a cylinder and then moved that new non planar circle (or a copy of it) away from the cylinder is there a way to fill it to make a surface object?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1396.2 In reply to 1396.1 
Maybe like this: sorry for the v 1.0 you must trim it ;)
kill the line on the third image before the loft

EDITED: 21 Feb 2008 by PILOU


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1396.3 In reply to 1396.1 
Hi Brian, normally the best method is instead of using project to make a unfilled curve on your cylinder, use Boolean difference to cut the cylinder with the curve and then you will have all your pieces including your solid filled non-planar piece right from the start.

Here is another discussion thread on this:

In the future I do want to add a command to fill in a non-planar surface, but even when that is in place it will make a far more complex surface than a trimmed extrusion which is what you normally want for such a surface.

If what is shown in the above thread does not work well for you, please post your .3dm model file so I can take a look at your particular situation.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BHEALY27)
Frenchy and Michael, thanks a lot for the prompt response. What a great program. Love it.

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