Hi billis, here is the procedure for drawing your design within MoI.
To start with I drew an ellipse:
Then I used the View / Image command to bring your graphic into the MoI viewport to use as a guide (I grabbed the rotation handle and rotated it 90 degrees):
Then I traced just this much of the pattern, using the Polyline command in 2 passes:
Then select those curves, and run Transform / Array / Curve . This will replicate this object around the curve. By default it will place 5 copies around the curve. You will need to change this to a lot more by adjusting the "Item count" option that shows up in the upper-right corner of the screen. Here I adjusted it to 35 items to get a good looking spacing between the objects:
Now for the part that is kind of bit tedious. You have to draw a bunch of lines in to connect these pieces to each other to form a fully closed outline.
To do this, run the Line command, and check the "Repeat" button as shown here:
This will make it possible for you to draw a whole bunch of lines easily, since the line command will automatically repeat while that checkbox is checked.
You need to draw 2 adjacent lines that connect these parts of each piece:
The lines you draw are the red ones, connecting in between the pairs of circled red endpoints.
When you draw these lines you need to take some care to use "end" snap on each one - sometimes there will be an "int" snap nearby the end, and you don't want to get that snap. In fact, you may want to turn off "int" snap temporarily to make sure you don't accidentally get one, you can do that by the little menu that will pop up when you move your mouse over top of the "Object Snap" button in the bottom toolbar. That will put up a menu of all available snaps, and you can click "int" there to uncheck it (or also you can right-click on end to make it the only active type of snap).
Go through and place all those connecting lines in. It's not really that bad, it took me just a few minutes to do it.
Then I selected all those pieces and used Edit/Join to glue them into 2 long curves.
Then I selected the ellipse and used Construct / Offset to create an outside curve a constant distance away from it, that gives the full pattern:
The above curves are attached to this post as Greca_curves.zip .
To build a solid out of these you can select the 2 inside pieces and use Construct / Extrude to punch them out into a solid.
Then I also selected the 2 ellipses and also extruded them, but to a lesser height. Then selecting both of those solids I did a boolean union to merge them into a single solid, here is a closeup view of it:
Is that the kind of shape you were looking for?
- Michael