Displaying dimensions

 From:  Antlab
I read a past thread about the fact that probably the possibility to display the object dimensions (with numbers, arrows and so on) will added in the V2 of MoI. I would like to ask to the present users if anyone uses the program to design mechanical pieces, and how they deal with the absence of displayed dimensions. I ask this because often mechanic technicians require drawings with exact dimensions, so it would be important to know a method to fulfill this task starting with a MoI project.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1374.2 In reply to 1374.1 
Hi Antonino, some other people may be able to give you different ideas, but you have to use an additional CAD program along with MoI to create those kinds of drawings right now.

Rhino works well for this since MoI and Rhino use the same file format and data can be transferred directly from MoI into Rhino.

For version 1.0 MoI is focused just on the creation of the 3D model data.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1374.3 In reply to 1374.2 
A good option for this at only $99, and it creates drawings of the work as well, is ViaCad.
And Amapi7.52 is still available at $150 I think.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
You have also the free Google Sketchup who permit to make some plan with some measures ;)
Just export in format 3ds from moi if you want direct import inside it !
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Antlab
1374.5 In reply to 1374.4 
Thanks all for the suggestions.
I will soon try to import some MoI objects in Sketchup, the problem is that SU free is licensed only for personal use, not professional. Sincerely I did not know ViaCAD, so I searched for information, and it seems very interesting, especially considering the price. It can be a valid option to add dimensions to MoI projects, waiting that Michael will add the feature in MoI 2 :-)


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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Moi has qualities that speeds up workflow, I dig creating 2d as well as 3dstuff in it.
For me, It's like working with an electric drill instead of a screwdriver.

Although it's a bit of pain having to do dimension in another app, there's options:

As mentioned, Rhino is the simplest, just open native 3dm files and add dimensions.

Alibre Express (surprisingly reads 3dm files and can be used for dimensioning, creating 2d projections of views and exporting .dwg and .dxf formats.)

There are several free 2d packages that can be also used for dimensions:
-Solid Edge 2d drafting (Very heavy, has interesting persistent constrain features)
-Vecad61 (Very autocad-like)

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 From:  Antlab
1374.7 In reply to 1374.6 
Hi Marc.
Thank you for the new indications, I will check the programs you listed.


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