Open the save menu need a long time (large model problem)
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 From:  Micha
1351.8 In reply to 1351.7 
Hi Michael,

sounds good for me - polygon mesh creation at high quality only, but the possibilty to export the display mesh.
Right, speed isn't so important like quality. And the MOI mesher is extreme fast compared to the buggy Rhino mesher, that need an extrem long time to create an unuseable mesh:

If you could implement Multi-Core support, that would be phantastic, than it could be 4 times faster at my current device model here - a dream. I'm not sure, how good the display mesh will be for my need, so, a multi-core support could be more important for meshing.

One wish more - could it be possible to create a mesh within MOI without export? Since exist a copy&paste conection to Rhino, this could be a shortway for the mesh from MOI to Rhino.


PS: My problem from last, that the "save menu" need a long time to open - we forget to talk about it - was not visible anymore. Could be, a shutdown of my machine solved the problem.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1351.9 In reply to 1351.8 
Hi Micha,

> One wish more - could it be possible to create a mesh within
> MOI without export? Since exist a copy&paste conection to
> Rhino, this could be a shortway for the mesh from MOI to Rhino.

I have added this to the wishlist as well. But this one will probably take a while before it becomes possible, supporting a mesh object in MoI brings in quite a bit of baggage with it as far as trying to make all the existing tools work with a new kind of object. Probably the other things will happen before this.

> PS: My problem from last, that the "save menu" need a long
> time to open - we forget to talk about it - was not visible
> anymore. Could be, a shutdown of my machine solved the problem.

Sorry, I didn't quite understand this. I guess you mean that just the display of the File menu was slow, the one that has buttons for "Open", "Save As", "New", "Import", "Export" ?

Did you happen to open a file on a network drive before that?

Sometimes this kind of slowdown can be due to checking if any of the files in the recent file list actually still exist or not. That can sometimes be slow to check on a network drive but I thought that I had some stuff in place to skip that check for network drives...

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
1351.10 In reply to 1351.7 
>>I do expect to do some work in the future to make both the display
>>mesher and export mesher take advantage of multi-core CPUs

IntegrityWare news:

The big news is that we have a new tessellation engine optimized for multi-core processing that will be released this fall as an extension to SOLIDS++. This will be in a product we will probably name EXLib. (short for Extension Library) The new tessellation engine is 3 to 5 times faster than the standard SOLIDS++ tessellator on a single core processor (yes that is 1/3 to 1/5 the time) with a much reduced memory footprint. Dual core processors typically see a 5x to 10x performance gain and Quad Core processors typically see a 10x plus performance gain.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1351.11 In reply to 1351.10 
Hi Petr, actually that won't have any effect for MoI - MoI does not use the IntegrityWare meshing code at all, I wrote all the meshing code for MoI from scratch.

One issue was definitely speed - my display mesher is on average about 15 times faster than the standard one was.

So switching to 5 times faster would actually be a downgrade in MoI's case.

But because I wrote all custom code for my mesher, it will also take additional custom work to make it multi-core enabled though. I do still want to do that in the future, it is just that other things have taken priority over that for now.

The tremendous speed of MoI's display mesher tends to be a major factor that makes MoI feel so fluid and smooth when you use it, other systems just tend to hiccup a lot more when they have to create new meshes after you have edited an object.

Before working on multi-core actually I need to do some work to prevent excessive meshing and too high of polygon count in some cases first.

- Michael
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