Hi Brian, I've attached a tuned up version of the profile curve here - I fixed some of the tangent alignment problems by turning on control points and using Transform/Align to make sure that points between segments that were only very close to being tangent were trued up to be exactly tangent.
This was basically selecting sets of points that looked like they should be lined up horizontally or vertically but were just slightly off - then align can make them all be straightened out.
You can now extrude this profile (attached as RingTry_tuned.zip), then cut it and the result can be filleted properly:
You can go up to about a 0.4 radius fillet before there isn't any room left at the very bottom part of the ring.
It would be nice if you didn't have to worry about any of this, but the filleter is sensitive to any kind of irregularities at all.
Maybe I can tune this up a bit inside Join or something, to true up tangents between joined pieces if they are within 3 or 4 degrees of each other, that might help. I have made a note to myself to investigate doing some automatic cleanup like this in the future.
- Michael