Alternative UI

 From:  AlanMc
Dear all,

When I was evaluating Moi during the Beta stages one of the members here was kind enough to share an alternative UI. I tried it and really liked the feature of having all the menus visible instead of the default where they are grouped together.

I installed my full licensed copy of Moi and swaped over the UI as before. Now when I go into the help > About Moi, I see its says beta version but with no expiry date. Am I ok to continue using this alternative UI or should I switch back to the default?

Many Thanks,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1331.2 In reply to 1331.1 
Hi Alan, thank you very much for your order!

You should be fine using the alternative UI, it is just purely that one dialog message that is wrong.

That happens to be one of the few pieces of UI that was changed in the release version.

If you want to tune it up, copy just the file "About.htm" from the regular installed version's \ui folder and it will be fixed. I've also attached it here.

The only thing that would cause a problem is if you copied the beta version's core program files, like the .dll or .exe files - make sure you don't do that and you will be fine.

- Michael

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