Wow, just found this site and program!

 From:  f700es
Hi all, I like to say that in just the 1st few minutes of playing with MOI I can see that this program has lots of promise. I am impressed. When I find a new 3D program I like to just jump in and see what I can do without having to read the help file or tutorials. MOI has been a delight, so intutive and simple to use. I have about 17 years of experience in using AutoCAD and have used other apps such as SketchUp, Max and Rhino and I think we have a winner here. Thumbs up for the development team here, great job. Can't wait to see what's around the next corner.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
13.2 In reply to 13.1 
Thank you, I'm really glad that you like it!

If you run into any problems or have any questions, please post them here.

- Michael
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 From:  f700es
13.3 In reply to 13.1 
Well, I like what I see so far. I threw together a quick little house to see how easy it would be. Not too bad at all. I would like to see a few additions but I know that MOI is early in it's development. Still great work :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
13.4 In reply to 13.3 
Cool, thanks for posting the house.

> I would like to see a few additions but I know that MOI is early in it's development.

Let me know what's on the top of your list!

- Michael
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 From:  f700es
13.5 In reply to 13.4 
Thanks Michael. Ok here goes....
- Better units support, I know you have answered this already
- Import/Export additions. dxf, 3ds, obj in addition to the standard mechanical formats (stl and such)
- texture support
- viewport image backgrounds
- dimensions would be nice but with dxf exporting I could produce working drawings with Acad (or other CAD).
hesitent on this one
- rendering support. Honestly a good POV exporter would be a good solution. I know that you know about SketchUp. A user wrote a very nice plugin for SU that exports to the POVRay engine. It can produce some very nice renders with it. I don't see why MOI would be any different. It already has one of the best GUI's and ease of use.
Anyway, just thoughts off the top of my head. If I was a programer I would help but I could not code my way out of a paper bag. We gave your program a link over at CADTutor forums ( BTW. CADTutor get's lot's of hits so many some will head over here and take a look.
Cheers :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
13.6 In reply to 13.5 
My current thinking is that better units and some kind of viewport image background will be pretty much next up.

By the way, I keep on forgetting to mention that the latest beta version (Jul-28) has some new features for numeric input, such as entering relative coordinates by typing in either r or @ before a point (example r1,2 will place the point 1 unit in x and 2 units in y away from the previous point), also polar coordinates in the form dist<angle are supported, such as 5<45 will put a point 5 units and 45 degrees away from the previous point that you picked. When I get back from Siggraph in a few days, I'll put together a change log and try to keep it updated about what stuff is in new versions.

Probably texture support and built-in rendering support will be a little ways out, probably not for V1. I have to be pretty ruthless about slicing out some things until later on just to be able to wrap up a V1. Dimensioning also fits in this category. I definitely want to add it in the future, but it probably won't be focused on total drafting functionality, it will be more oriented towards description and annotation. The primary design goal for MoI is to be able to create the geometry of a design quickly and easily. That's what V1 will be very focused on. But a secondary future goal for MoI is to have functionality that helps you communicate your design to other people. It's a fairly broad aspect - this is where dimensioning and also rendering will fit in.

By the way, when I say that I'm not going to get something done for this version, that doesn't mean that I don't want to hear about it, I still very much want your feedback on it. I just want to describe what my current plan is. Unfortunately it will just not always align 100% to what any one particular person wants. :) But hopefully it will align to a reasonably ok percentage.

Re: dxf, 3ds, obj, stl, pov

I just kind of dread working on all this stuff... I know it's important, though. At least some of this will happen before V1.

If you happen to have Rhino, it will save to all of those, so that can be used as an interim solution.> If I was a programer I would help but I could not code my way out of a paper bag.

Just your feedback is very helpful.

Thanks for linking at CADTutor forums!

- Michael
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