I like the industrial design capabilities of MOI a lot and I'd also like to see improvements on that front. MOI is better suited to that kind of modeling than any subD or poly modeler I've tried
and things designed with MOI are CAD accurate and go out to manufacturable formats like STEP/IGES - huge plus.
I'm fascinated by the idea of being able to do both organic AND industrial modeling well in the same modeler however, so I'm trying to work out a workflow for doing organics in MOI
even if it isn't expressly supported with tools made for that purpose at this point. There are some possible industrial applications for NURBs humans - high end medical simulation, placing reference
humans inside CAD designs to get a better grasp of ergonomics and safety issues and so on. There are also CG renderers capable of rendering NURBs surfaces very quickly, like Pixar Renderman.
The loft algorithm in MOI is pretty robust. I'm using it with "loose" and "number of points - 17 points" and the model surface updates in maybe 500 - 600 ms when I make a change,
despite the huge number of (mirrored) curve points I have now. Realtime would be better but its good enough to work with.
oh, and rejoice. MOI has just joined the "can do butt ugly, wrinkly characters" club started by Zbrush. =]
