a wishlist

 From:  mushroomgod
i believe this is my 2nd wish list, but you can never have to many!!!

1st off, really Moi is the best peace of nurbs software iv ever used...and even in its current state i can get along with it better than other software i have used over the years!

Now too the wish list....

Faster display! Just recently iv been using MOI to edit a accurate Mini car model, the redraw speed was slow...very very slow, I even changed the display options (from 20-100) and even after doing that not only did the model look crap, but it was still amazingly slow. Im not sure what kinda difference it would make, but maybe have an option to turn off AA?

Group objects....Would be massively handy, eather that, or layers would be just as good (and could be used to speed up display) Like Max

Finaly...the ability to import polys. At the moment Im working on a model of an elec guitar - every detail, inside and out has to be modeled....parts have been modeled in max (polys/powernurbs), silo, and MOI...it would be sooooooo helpfull to get all these poly objects into MOI. At the moment there quite a bit of guess work going on by myself to tally this all up in different programs for rendering in Max

Oh....one last last request....any news on the price,?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1210.2 In reply to 1210.1 
Hi mushroomgod!

> Faster display! Just recently iv been using MOI to edit a accurate Mini car model,
> the redraw speed was slow...very very slow, I even changed the display options
> (from 20-100) and even after doing that not only did the model look crap, but it
> was still amazingly slow.

Is it possible for you to .zip up the model and send it to me at moi@moi3d.com ? That would help me check it out to see if there is something in this particular case that can be tuned up.

Also, what are your system specs, like CPU, RAM, and video card?

> Im not sure what kinda difference it would make, but maybe have an option to turn off AA?

I gave this a test not too long ago and it actually didn't make much of a difference - but one other thing that might would be an option to draw somewhat coarser curves.

> Group objects....

A system for organizing objects is definitely going to be a big focus for version 2. It's pretty much at the top of the list.

> Finaly...the ability to import polys.

This is possible right now by getting the polygons into .obj format and then using the Obj23dmWireframe converter program available here: http://moi3d.com/wiki/Resources#Obj23dmWireframe_converter - that will convert all polygon edges in an .obj file into line segments in a .3dm file which can then be read into MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  mushroomgod
1210.3 In reply to 1210.2 
Cheers Michael.

Ill give that poly tool a try.

Im running a macpro/vista64 with an ATI 1900, with the mini model im getting around 2-3 frames a sec on the full model....and the whole thing feels very slugish
And ill also sort that mini model out and email it over later today, see if there anything you can do

in silo theres a very cool way of displaying subds, basicaly with very click "c" it subdivides it by one, and with every click of the "v" button it lowers the subdivition by one....keep clicking the buttons lower and rase the subds amounts. I realise Subds are not nurbs, but maybe something could be writen into MOI to adjust the display setting via 2 buttons?

And I think lowering the curve detail can only help, or even a wireframe display?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1210.4 In reply to 1210.1 
Oops, I forgot this part of your question:

> Oh....one last last request....any news on the price,?

Yup, the price is going to be US $195.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1210.5 In reply to 1210.3 
> Im running a macpro/vista64 with an ATI 1900

Hmm, it wouldn't hurt to update your drivers to make sure you have the latest. Vista uses a completely different video driver system than previous versions of Windows, and at the time of Vista's release many drivers were still not really tuned up all the way.

You also might try turning off the fancy Vista display stuff to see if that makes any difference. To do this right-click on the desktop and pick "Personalize" at the bottom of the menu, then click "Window Color and Appearance", and then click "Open classic appearance properties for more color options", and then pick the "Windows Vista Basic" color scheme. (http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-aero-on-windows-vista/)

> but maybe something could be writen into MOI to adjust the display setting via 2 buttons?

It is possible to create a keyboard shortcut that changes those settings under Options / View / Meshing parameters, like Mesh angle and "Add detail to inflections". But I thought those weren't helping you that much?

> And I think lowering the curve detail can only help, or even a wireframe display?

Yeah in the future I want to add a wireframe display which will be useful for dealing with heavier scenes.

- Michael
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 From:  Lordfox

I wish

=> Mirror-Building
=> better Boolean Support, like the pro-boolean plugin for 3ds max - i had a problem to an object with many other objects (wall with over 1000 battlements - that was not a good idea from from me, to bool it / combine it)

=> dicplacement painting like in silo?

ps. will be run moi3d also under vista 64 bit? I will be let me build a new computer in the next 3-6 months

pps. sorry for my worst english

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1210.7 In reply to 1210.6 
Hi Lordfox, Happy Holidays from the US!

I've added your items to the wishlist page on the wiki. Some comments:

=> Mirror-Building

This is something that I want to add in a future version.

=> better Boolean Support, like the pro-boolean plugin for 3ds max - i had a
> problem to an object with many other objects (wall with over 1000 battlements
> - that was not a good idea from from me, to bool it / combine it)

It will be very difficult for me to make improvements without an example file that shows the problem - can you possibly send it to me at moi@moi3d.com ?

For something with a very repetitive pattern, it is probably a better idea to model the pattern more directly, like make a curve that looks like this:

and then extrude that to make this kind of a shape all at once:

Boolean operations do a lot more calculations trying to calculate intersections between different objects, so they are going to be a lot slower than direct construction methods. Also for the booleans to work well you will need to make sure that all the pieces are touching in a precise aligned way - if you have things off by small amount it will tend to create little tiny slivered surfaces which cause problems.

=> dicplacement painting like in silo?

Unfortunately this will be very difficult to add to MoI - displacement painting works a lot easier on a polygon mesh type object like silo uses. It is not very easy to apply displacement painting to a NURBS type object to get a NURBS result. MoI is currently focused on NURBS editing only and not on polygon editing, so it will probably be quite a while before this will be possible.

If Silo does what you need, can't you just use Silo to get the result you're looking for with displacement painting? You should be able to export from MoI into Silo using OBJ format.

- Michael

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