viewport toolbars

 From:  arquebus
I was thinking that large icons that take up a lot of space in the viewports, you could also make an option for having toolbars at the top or bottom of each viewport and put thin text only buttons on these toolbars. One button you could add is having a minimize/maximize button on each viewport so you dont have to go down to the bottom of the screen to access those buttons. There should be an option to have no viewport icons or toolbars for those like myself who are satified just using RMB, MMB and scrollwheel to handle all view manipulations.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1154.2 In reply to 1154.1 
Hi arquebus, thanks for your feedback!

I want to add some more options for the viewport in V2 - several people have requested to double-click the title text to maximize or restore a particular view. I didn't focus on that for V1 because it is less efficient in some circumstances. Like if you want to switch between a maximized front view to a maximized top view, you would have to click restore once to return to split view, then in go to the top view and maximize it - that's 2 clicks on 2 different controls in different areas. The current system allows for switching to any particular view in just one click.

re: remove viewport icons - you can do this currently by modifying the UI. Go to the \ui subfolder inside of MoI's main installation directory under \Program Files, and delete the file named ViewControls.htm . The next time you run MoI after that, you shouldn't have any view controls in the bottom of your viewport anymore. However, I don't recommend doing this because there are 2 other controls on that panel - reset, and zoom area. Especially Reset tends to be used pretty frequently even if you are using the other mouse buttons to handle zooming/panning/rotating.

- Michael
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 From:  arquebus
1154.3 In reply to 1154.2 
I just thought of another option, rather than making toolbars, maybe you could just make the icons smaller and line them up in the lower right or left hand corner. I think people would like that option rather than having the icons take so much viewport space area.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1154.4 In reply to 1154.3 
Hi arquebus - if you'd like smaller buttons you can go to Options / General, and adjust the UI size slider to the left a little bit, that will shrink all the buttons in the UI including the viewport toolbar.

By default they are fairly large since that makes them much easier to click on.

It is also possible to edit the UI to make just those view control buttons smaller and not everything else.

I've attached an edited version of those viewport controls - to install it on your version download and unzip the attached file, and copy the ViewControls.htm file over top of the old version in the C:\Program Files\MoI beta Nov-18-2007\ui folder.

That will give you much smaller buttons on that viewport toolbar.

It is also possible to remove buttons by editing that file as well, just delete any of the <moi:CommandButton> entries that you don't want to have.

- Michael

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 From:  arquebus
1154.5 In reply to 1154.4 
Thanks! Those smaller icons are a lot better.
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