Yes, thats exactly the issue. Since the line points vary in position it results in excessive numbers of points in the object, virtually impossable to control manualy.
Lofting loosely with the min of stations gives the best result for sure, atm. I notice that re-creating the surface with a uniform simple UV structure is the solution Rhino has taught nurbists to look for. Thinking of adding that in a future iteration?
Thanks for trying to be helpfull.
Yes, obviously, that is the rhino tute I was following. You can see that by the BG image I posted.
Yes, the app and transparency combination Michael suggested is very helpfull for the moment.
Yes, Freeship is another way to create a hull in obj form. It's much better suited to creating simple planar based hull shapes though and if I resort to another app, why not XSI or Rhino? The exercise was to work through a rhino tute with MoI and thereby improve my nurb-flow and at the same time see what aspects of MoI function were hi-lighted in the process.