Tablet PC Eraser Pen - Eraser Function?

 From:  gamedev
Is MOI reading the TPC eraser? Currently my pen eraser is functioning as another pen tip.

Is there a way to set the eraser as 'delete object?' Or better yet, something customizable?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1143.2 In reply to 1143.1 
Hi Gamedev, MoI does not currently do any kind of special processing of the eraser itself, it just uses whatever mouse-click input the tablet driver sends to it.

With a regular Wacom drawing tablet, it is possible to customize what the erase does, under Control Panel / Wacom Tablet Properties. One of the options is to send a keystroke to the application. Then with a keyboard shortcut set up in MoI to handle that (under Options / Shortcut keys), that would allow assigning a custom function to the eraser.

Maybe the TabletPC has a similar setting in it somewhere?

It looks like if you have a TabletPC that is based off of a Wacom pen (which many are), you can install this: to get the same customization settings that are in a regular Wacom tablet, this should include customizing the eraser function.

Hope this helps!

- Michael
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