> Is not possible for the other Solids Cylinder and Cone?
> If width = height it will writed for example "Squared"
So you mean have a snap to make the height of the cylinder or cone equal to the radius?
I'm not sure that calling that "square" would be quite the right word. Is this something that you find you need to draw often? Cube is a very common shape, so I wanted to make it very easy to draw that freehand. It doesn't seem like a cylinder of height=radius is as common...
It's also a little different because with a box, the direction of the box height is fixed in just two up/down directions, so this makes it easy to have just two cube snaps. But when you draw a cylinder or cone, you are free to place the cylinder at any direction. I guess I could make snap points along the x,y, and z axes - but that would then be 6 snap points. I hesitate to add in too many snap points because if you get snap points everywhere they can get in the way and prevent you from placing points at certain smaller angles in a freeform way, if that makes any sense...
There is also another way to create this type of cylinder pretty easily already - before you draw the cylinder, drag out a construction line that follows the height that you want. Now place the base point of the cylinder at the start of that construction line, place the radius point at the other end, and then place the final cylinder point at the other end as well - you will have a cylinder that has radius = height. Also since the midpoint and reflected endpoints are available on construction lines, you can easily get a height = 0.5 * radius or 2 * radius as well. Let me know if you want some step-by-step instructions for this.
Also another way to get radius = height is to type in the same number for each of them...
> Is it possible to integrate a "Golden Section" when a rectangle is drawing?
Probably... I'll see what I can do.
- Michael