Sweeping problem

 From:  knightxor
Why it happens ? I followed the six leg pod tutorial (BTW great tutorial Michael) and it possible to draw profile and rail in 2d view and sweep to 3d pipe.
But Moi sweeps in 2d , I'm sure I'm doing exactly as in tutorial maybe I don't know about some trick.

Any ideas ?

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 From:  Schbeurd
1107.2 In reply to 1107.1 
I think it's because your circle is inside the "bounding box" of your curve.

Try to pull the circle away (a few units to the left) and it's gonna be fine...
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 From:  knightxor
1107.3 In reply to 1107.2 
That was it ! Thanks a lot
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1107.4 In reply to 1107.3 
Hi knightxor, yes Schbeurd described it. Just to give you some additional info on it - when MoI does a sweep it has to decide whether to take your profile curve from its current location and then slide it along the rail, or whether to move your profile to place it perpendicular to the rail.

In some situations you may not want MoI to move the curve, like you may want to place it intentionally at a slanted position instead of exactly perpendicular, or you need the sweep to pass exactly through the curve to match up to some other object.

So if the curve is inside the bounding box around the rail path, MoI will not move it and will take the curve exactly from its current position, that's what your screenshot was showing.

To make MoI move the curve into position automatically for you, you need to move the profile away from the rail so it is outside the bounding box that frames the rail. Then MoI will decide that you want it placed automatically.

In the future I would like to figure out some additional option to more explicitly control whether auto-place happens or not, I wasn't able to get to that for version 1.0 .

- Michael
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