Enhancement Request : Moi Short Cut Description

 From:  Lish (KHOLISH)
Hi Michael,

Maybe I am not a smart guy, in my experience.....it is hard to remember the function of a script. I don`t want read the script it self. Too long !



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 From:  Michael Gibson
1080.2 In reply to 1080.1 
Hi Lish, it is possible to add a comment to the beginning part of the script. That would probably do the job for you.

To do that, put your comment inside of /* */ characters just after the script: label, see this post for some more detailed information and an example: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=1022.13

- Michael
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 From:  Lish (KHOLISH)
1080.3 In reply to 1080.2 
Thanks for your tips Michael,

Another ER that I want is ability to thicken a surface.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1080.4 In reply to 1080.3 
> Another ER that I want is ability to thicken a surface.

Hi Lish, use Construct / Offset / Shell for that one. When applied to a solid Shell will give a wall thickness to the solid, and when applied to a surface Shell will thicken it into a solid slab.

Check out the command reference here: http://moi3d.com/beta/moi_command_reference2.zip under Shell for some screenshot examples.

Hope that helps!

- Michael
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 From:  Lish (KHOLISH)
1080.5 In reply to 1080.4 
I see now, I think I must read all of MoI help file / command reference :)

Thank`s Michael...


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