Transformer stack
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1075.2 In reply to 1075.1 
Hi adx, that's really cool, I am glad you were up and running so quickly... 15 minutes!

Another thing you may be interested in for sectioning is the ability to boolean a solid with just a line segment (or actually any flat curve).

For example here I have a solid and I have drawn a line segment across it that divides it:

Now you can select the solid, run Construct / Boolean / Difference, and select the line segment as the cutting object. This will divide the solid into 2 pieces, you can then delete the piece you don't want:

You can also use Boolean intersection to create a sectional slice. For instance here I selected the solid, ran Construct / Boolean / Intersection, and then selected the line - this creates this slice:

- Michael

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