Final MoI release : What about the extra commands, scripts?

 From:  JTB
It is not always easy to remember all those scripts and small add-ons mentioned in this forum...
I hope all these small tricks will be included in the final MoI release... I don't want to start using macros, scripts, etc like 10 years ago with AutoCAD...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1074.2 In reply to 1074.1 
Hi JTB - so far I was not planning on bundling them all with the default install for version 1.0, but they should all function just fine for the final release.

I will be trying to gather stuff like this up and put them up on a page on the web site when I get a chance to tune it up.

Until then, I think that Petr has collected the majority of them on his page here:

- Michael
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 From:  JTB
Thanks Michael, I know about Petr's webpage, it is great, what I would prefer is not having to deal with this at all... I want to have all these improvements as commands... I guess they will be added later as a patch...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1074.4 In reply to 1074.3 
Hi JTB, I guess I don't quite understand - they basically are already little patches that you can install if you want.

Do you mean that you would like every one of these items to become part of the default toolbar UI? That's going to be pretty difficult - one of the important things about these little scripts and commands is that they are able to be added for people who want them, without adding complexity all over the standard UI.

But I do want to figure out a kind of "plug-ins" menu type thing that would make it easier to access these extensions.

- Michael
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 From:  JTB
1074.5 In reply to 1074.4 
Not part of the toolbar as a button, but it won't add to the complexity to have them as an option...

For example...
SCALEARRAY : we got to have it as an option when using the command array
CLOCKBAR : Should be added to general options
MEASURE DISTANCE : I know that there will be dimensions soon but we go to have this, all of us need it
ZOOMING AND PANNING WITH ARROW KEYS : A nice add-on, why isn't it a part of MoI?
SELECTCURVES: Very nice to have, I know that selecting objects will be added later...

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
1074.6 In reply to 1074.5 
Hi JTB,I guess it all depends on what you do the most. For example I'm a Nudgaholic, I do it all the time and I use the arrows to invoke it. (Nudge View Axis)

I kind of like the Idea that the software is stripped to it's simplest form, with the ability to modify features to suit your needs. The less things they are, the easiest it is to learn and use.

This being said measure distance and select curves should definitively be included! :P


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1074.7 In reply to 1074.5 

> SCALEARRAY : we got to have it as an option when using the command array

This is one that I feel does add complexity. It's just a pretty specialized and not frequently needed option - placing it inside the options of every array command adds some complexity to each of those commands for not very much gain.

Then when to stop? Once I have added scaling to every array command, should every single other type of transformation also be added like scaling in one direction only, rotation in x, y, and z, ... ?

Pretty soon this can lead to a large amount of options - the basic operations get drowned in a sea of unnecessary stuff. I want to be careful not to go down that path. That makes me tend to be pretty conservative about adding stuff. If there is a way for me to add functionality just for those who need it without adding complexity to something more basic, then that can be a significant gain - ScaleArray as a separate command fits pretty well into this category.

> CLOCKBAR : Should be added to general options

This just hasn't come up since a discussion a year ago until now... I guess I can add it as an option in V2.

> MEASURE DISTANCE : I know that there will be dimensions soon but we go to have this, all of us need it
> SELECTCURVES: Very nice to have, I know that selecting objects will be added later...

I haven't messed with these because I want to provide a more built-in solution to them for version 2.

> ZOOMING AND PANNING WITH ARROW KEYS : A nice add-on, why isn't it a part of MoI?

It just wasn't clear to me whether the arrow keys should do this or nudge objects by default. It was just easier for me to leave them blank and let you fill them in with whichever one you prefer.

I can see adding more default shortcuts in to future versions. Like if I start getting requests every week to make the arrow keys handle view rotation and panning, I will eventually get tired of telling people how to set it up and add it in as a default. But that certainly hasn't happened, only a small number of people have asked about that.

For custom functions that only a few people need, it just works well for me to offer those things as optional extensions...

- Michael
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