Import ???

 From:  necko (NECKO77)
i cant import my drawings to MoI, i tryed everyhnig and it simply dont work, When will MoI be able to import dwg files ?

When i try to import this file i get nothing in MoI

EDITED: 20 Oct 2007 by NECKO77


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1043.2 In reply to 1043.1 
when you import something you can see

so if your format is not in this list you can't import your file without some convectors ;)
Despite of that if your file is not Nurbs or 2D ai format you can't again

else you can load your drawing in each view (Front, Top...)as an image!
Menu View /image
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1043.3 In reply to 1043.1 
Hi Necko, I'd like to try and add DWG import for version 2.0.

Are you trying to export from AutoCAD into MoI? Is there any way for you to export to the IGES file format? A long time ago there used to be an igesout command in AutoCAD, but I guess that they removed it from newer versions...

It looks like there is a bug in MoI's PDF reader, it doesn't like the way that this PDF was structured, I think I should be able to fix that up just a bit later today.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1043.4 In reply to 1043.1 
Hi Necko, I have fixed up one part of the problem that was preventing this PDF from being read, I have attached a 3DM version here.

But as you can see, it is upside-down so I'm going to look into a little bit more to see if I can fix that as well. For now you should be able to mirror it to fix it up.

The other thing is that I guess this PDF was probably generated through one of those PDF printer drivers? That usually creates a side effect that all curves are broken up into line segments, so just be aware of that.

- Michael

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 From:  necko (NECKO77)
1043.5 In reply to 1043.4 

This is one beautiful program !

Yes, i tryed from autocad, sketchup and it didnt work :(
I work in archicad but there i didnt have clean ver.of drawing so i tryed from Sketchup and Acad... I tryed everything, eps and pdf but it didnt work !

Now i will try to finish something what sketchup cant. This is a great modeler program and i write about this program on arhicad forum cos archicad dont have modeling capibilities, so if u trying something good, try it to connect to archicad. There is a lot of users who need easy, fast, efeective 3d modeler.

Anyway, thats my winsh !

and Michael, thank you for your time !

EDITED: 22 Oct 2007 by NECKO77

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1043.6 In reply to 1043.5 
Hi Necko, I have a new patch available here: , this contains a fix for the PDF import problem.

To install the patch, download it and unzip it to get a new moi_lib.dll, then copy that new version over top of the older one in C:\Program Files\MoI beta Sep-4-2007\ .

After that MoI should load your PDF properly, and hopefully any others that you generate in the same way. Please let me know if you run into any other problems reading PDF files, it helps a lot when you send the file for me to test like you did here, thanks!

- Michael
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 From:  necko (NECKO77)
1043.7 In reply to 1043.6 
ok, thx a lot

This is very powerfull modeling program, and simply to use !

I will use this way of import and waitnig for dwg import ! IT IS something under MUST for MoI !

REspeCt and keep in touch

EDITED: 23 Oct 2007 by NECKO77

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