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 From:  Val (GAT)
1031.2 In reply to 1031.1 
lol is right clicking on view changes view to opposite of that view in the documents? I found that out just now ^_^
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1031.3 In reply to 1031.1 
Hi Val, all NURBS surfaces are 4-sided patches, so what happens when you use 3 curves is you end up with a surface that has one edge compressed down to a point. So that can kind of effect the symmetry of the shape.

If you have some examples that don't behave well, can you please post them here so I can take a look?

You may also get better results using sweep instead for this case.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1031.4 In reply to 1031.2 
Hi Val,

> lol is right clicking on view changes view to opposite of that view in the documents?

It's actually not specifically right-click but rather the second click (either left or right) on one of those view tabs. Like if the Top view is active, then if you click on it again it will switch to the Bottom view.

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
1031.5 In reply to 1031.4 
oh ok, thanks!
I will try to upload an example when I run across one again. I also had some other issues, but I can only show them in a video.
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