[Feature Request] Rhino command : "Contour"

 From:  DennisD
WOW , your software is really COOL . I want only to ask you if is possible to add the feature or command "Contour" that's already been present on the
Software Rhino.

Thanks in Advance.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
102.2 In reply to 102.1 
Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

It should be possible to add in contour curve extraction. I'm not quite sure exactly when this will get done though.

I'm curious to know why you need the contours - what do you use them for specifically?

- Michael
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 From:  DennisD
102.3 In reply to 102.2 
Hi Michael!!!!!

Yes i need these to create contour curves of a surface or from a polysurface.

Michael please , i know that u have ALOT of work , but only until this command is available i can TRASH
the software Rhino (for me too EXPANSIVE) .

Best Regards
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