Hide Command on View Menu
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 From:  Michael Gibson
988.4 In reply to 988.2 
Hi Pilou,

> (i am not sure but seems I have seen a script or a command in the moi.ini for put the Panel on the left? )

Yes - this thread here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=765.1 tells what thing you need to edit to move the side pane over to the left.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
988.5 In reply to 988.4 
And this thread has some information on how to edit the UI to change the ordering of the tool palettes:

- Michael
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 From:  JMan (JNMANDELL)
988.6 In reply to 988.1 

Thanks for the kind response. With this kind of customer service, you will have quite a following of MOI Folk!

Interesting point about the hide command being on the edit menu. Your logic seems reasonable here. I think when someone is learning by doing, they tend to look at things in an intuitive manner.

Concerning the change views, I should have clarified, I meant clicking on the view text in the corners of each window to maximize a view, as you do in Rhino by double click on text.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
988.7 In reply to 988.6 
> Concerning the change views, I should have clarified, I meant clicking on
> the view text in the corners of each window to maximize a view, as you do
> in Rhino by double click on text.

Hi Jon, I do want to add that as an additional way to handle it in the future.

But I didn't want to rely on that as the primary way, in addition to requiring an extra step to switch between some views (like maximized Top to maximized Front), I think it is just a little bit too hidden.

It doesn't particularly look like a clickable button or anything... It just doesn't quite invite someone to go click on it to the same degree as MoI's view controls. I guess that could be solved by making it look like a big button or something, but I've really tried hard to streamline the appearance of all the stuff that goes into the 3D view, so that there is less stuff to distract you from your actual model. That's why those viewport labels are pretty airy and minimalistic in MoI.

One thing you may be interested in is setting up this script macro on your spacebar:

script:if ( moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode != 'split' ) { moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'split' } else { var viewport = moi.ui.getViewportUnderMouse(); if ( viewport ) { viewport.viewPanel.mode = viewport.name } }

To set that up, go to Options / Shortcut keys, push "Add" to add a new entry. Put in "Space" (no quotes) under the Key, and paste that line above in for the Command part.

With that in place you can now push the space bar as an alternate way of switching views. If you are in split mode, pressing space will maximize the view that your mouse is currently over (it doesn't have to be over the label, it can be over any part of the view). If you are in a maximized view, space will instead switch back to split view.

So if you want to be able to switch views without going down to that bottom bar, that may be useful.

- Michael
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