Automating conversion of IGES files to OBJ files
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 From:  Michael Gibson
987.5 In reply to 987.4 
Hi Al, it looks like I've got a good solution for this. It's working better than I thought it was going to, it looks like you don't actually have to see any UI displayed after all.

I'm able to let the script take control right before the main window is actually displayed, and if the script calls moi.exit() at the end of it, the main window will never be shown.

I'll post some details tomorrow afternoon.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
987.6 In reply to 987.5 
Hi Al, it seems to be working well - I've added the ability to take a script file name as a command line parameter to MoI.exe like you were asking. It will also be possible to control the various meshing parameters, and I've added stuff for suppressing various UI bits like the mesh dialog or the "save changes" prompt when closing down MoI.

This will require a new patch to update moi_lib.dll for it to work - there are a couple of other things that I want to try to add before posting the new patch so it may be a couple of days or something before that is all ready, I will post more details when it is ready.

I have also been thinking about doing an automatic Join operation on all the surfaces that are imported from an IGES file - do you think that would be a good idea?

- Michael
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987.7 In reply to 987.6 
Thanks this all sounds great. I usually don't do a Join but now that you mention it I can see where that would be useful for preventing mesh gaps where trimmed surfaces (i.e. originally solid faces) meet.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
987.8 In reply to 987.7 
Hi Al, ok the new patch that enables this batch processing is now ready, link is here:

It now does auto join surfaces from IGES files together, that is generally a good idea since you do get the common mesh structure along the shared edges to avoid cracks. You can turn it off if you want with the .ini flag mentioned in the link above, or through script by: moi.settings.igesJoinOnImport = false;

The first step is that you can pass the name of a script file as a command-line parameter to MoI.exe . If there are any spaces in the script file name, the entire file name should be enclosed in double quotes, like:
MoI.exe "c:\path with spaces\script.js"

You should be able to use either a JScript file or a VBScript file (.vbs), but I have only tested JScript.

The script will execute immediately before the main window is displayed, so if your script decides to exit MoI the actual MoI UI will never show up on the screen.

I have attached an example to get you started.

There are 2 files attached - BatchConvert.js, and Convert.js

BatchConvert.js is the file that you would overwrite with your own script, before launching MoI.exe . You just add in one line for a call to Convert() for each IGES file you want to convert to an OBJ.

The Convert() function is defined in the Convert.js library file which is included into BatchConvert.js .

Convert() handles the basic calls into MoI to open and save the files. There are some comments in there about how to control the meshing parameters, this is done by an option string you can pass to the saveAs() function. If you pass NoUI=true, the mesh dialog will not be displayed.

I think that pretty much handles what you were requesting. Please let me know if you have any questions or run into any problems while setting it up.

- Michael


EDIT: updated attached file with fixed up Convert.js file from later in the thread that fixes the bug with handling 4-letter extensions like .iges instead of .igs

EDIT2: updated attached file with new function for converting all files within a folder.

EDIT3: for a version that will work on the Mac too see here:



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987.9 In reply to 987.8 
Works great! In fact I created a little BAT file to do the conversion from a command prompt window.

Thanks Michael,


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 From:  Jeff (JEFFM365)
987.10 In reply to 987.8 
I am looking at trying to use the batchConvert script to convert igs models to obj. The convert script works on the first Convert call in the script, but does not convert any other models in the list. I have only modified the script enough to add the model that I want to convert. Are there any suggestions as to what the problem might be?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
987.11 In reply to 987.10 
Hi Jeff, can you please post your modified script (or e-mail it to me at

If I can repeat your problem over here it would help me understand what might be going wrong.

- Michael
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 From:  Jeff (JEFFM365)
987.12 In reply to 987.11 
Hi Michael,
I have attached the scripts I am using.
What I did was exported numerous parts from ProE and I want to convert them through MoI. I tried exporting in one large file, but the filesize must be too large for MoI (or it takes way too long to convert/import).

Thanks for your help.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
987.13 In reply to 987.12 
Hi Jeff - the convert script has a bug where it assumes the file extension was 3 characters, like filename.igs - it gets hosed when it runs into one of the files with the 4-letter extension like filename.iges .

I've attached an updated version of Convert.js which should fix this up.

Please let me know if you run into any other problems with the updated script.

- Michael

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