Feature suggestion: Divide

 From:  Marc (TELLIER)

I really enjoy working with Moi, works great even for 2d drawing.
I like the way operations can be done in very few clicks in a very simple user interface, .

I was thinking that it would be nice to have a "divide" feature for curves. It could separate the selected entity by adding nodes.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
986.2 In reply to 986.1 
Hi Marc, I'm glad that you are enjoying MoI!

I would like to add a divide function in the future.

At the moment you can use the ArrayCurve command combined with Trim as a substitute.

Here's how it works - say you want to divide a curve into 5 equally sized segments.

Go to Draw curve / More / Point and place a point object at the start of the curve:

Select the point, and then go to Transform / Array / Curve, select the curve as the path curve, and set the "Item count" option for the array to one more than the number of segments you want. So for instance if you want 5 segments, set the item count to 6. That will create this:

Now select the curve, run Edit / Trim, then select the points as the cutting objects. When it asks you which pieces to discard, just push Done to keep all the pieces, and that will cut up your curve into equal segments:

This is not as convenient as a divide command but it should get the job done until then. If you have to deal with a larger number of points, let me know and I will cook up a script macro that you could use to delete all point objects in the model, it can otherwise be kind of annoying to pick all the points to get rid of them.

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
986.3 In reply to 986.2 
tricky :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Thanks, it's a simple workaroud!
I did not know you could trim with points.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
986.5 In reply to 986.4 
Hi Marc, here is that script for deleting all points:

script:var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; var pts = gd.getObjects().getPoints(); gd.removeObjects( pts );

If you end up using a whole bunch of points, you might want to hook that script up under a shortcut key to clean things up quickly. Go to Options / Shortcut keys, add in a new entry and paste that whole thing above as the Command part.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
986.6 In reply to 986.5 
Thanks, this will surely be useful!

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