Converting a 3dm to a TGA
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 From:  JadseaDax (ANYAWILLOW)
978.3 In reply to 978.2 
a sculptie map is different, it looks like just a mix of colors, it uses the colors as depth generators and once in Second life, when applied to an object, it creates the object that was made by a 3D program such as MOI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
978.4 In reply to 978.1 
Hi Anya, I took a look at the converter program, and it appears to depend on having some additional DLLs installed.

It looks like you should be able to download an installer for these DLLs here:

I think once that is installed then the converter should work for you.

If that does solve your problem, could you please update the wiki page for 3dm2sculpt to mention this and post that download link above? Thanks!

- Michael
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 From:  JadseaDax (ANYAWILLOW)
978.5 In reply to 978.4 
Nope, still having the same problems, still comes up with application config is incorrect.
I am not sure what else to do apart from going to a different 3d modeling software (which I don't want to do cause MOI is so easy to get on with)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
978.6 In reply to 978.5 
Ok I think I got it - you actually need this slightly updated version of that last one:

I took a look at some of the guts of that 3dm2sculpt.exe and it was depending on the SP1 version of these DLLs, the previous link I posted was to the original (SP0) version.

It would probably be a good idea for that .exe to be rebuilt using the "static link" CRT option instead so that it would have everything build right in to the .exe instead of needing this additional install.

- Michael
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 From:  JadseaDax (ANYAWILLOW)
978.7 In reply to 978.6 
wow, thanks for the link, it worked (even though it did split it into like 15 different maps, but I can work around that) will be posting that link on the Second Life site that has the 3dm2scuplt.exe.
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