Jewelry Model in MoI

 From:  Ed
My first models after using MoI and Bryce 6.1 for a week. My only previous 3D experience was with TrueSpace in 2003 - I gave up in frustration after a week of using.

Now I can move on to more complex images!


Ring 2D profiles drawn in Corel Draw and swept in Moi.
Blueprint drawn 2D in Corel Draw and imported into a plane in Bryce.
Rendered in Bryce 6.1 using a night "sky" plus three main lights.
Blueprint paper texture added in post processing using Paint Shop Pro.

EDITED: 30 Sep 2007 by ED

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 From:  Michael Gibson
968.2 In reply to 968.1 
Very cool Ed - I'm glad that MoI is working well for you!

The render turned out nice, that sky worked well for making a good reflection.

Looks like you are off to a great start.

If you get stuck on anything or need any help figuring out how to approach a more complex model or something, please don't hesitate to post here about it.

It would also be great to see any other images you make later on too!

- Michael
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