V4 beta Oct-10-2019 available now
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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Michael,
Probably been asked before just cant find it in the string of posts - is the dimensions tool going to have a global preference for document used in terms of font size and general dimensions prefs. Something you can setup for the document your working on and it keeps those preferences as you work on new dimensions for that doc. You could be working on a large or small scale documents independently.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.210 In reply to 9526.209 
Hi Alex,

> is the dimensions tool going to have a global preference for document used in terms
> of font size and general dimensions prefs.

Yup, that's pretty much the next thing that I'm working on. Once it is in place I'll release a new beta.

- Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
thanks for the update - looking forward to next realease.
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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Michael,
Just did a fresh install of WIN10 latest build on my workstation and just installed MOI4 when I go to export STL or OBJ the shape polycount comes up but the MESHING OPTIONS window does not and just hangs there. All other export modules work fine. Is there any other software which this could be reliant on and needs to be installed.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.213 In reply to 9526.212 
Hi Alex, no there isn't any other software that should need to be installed. Is your screen maybe a different resolution and it's off screen?

What happens if you edit moi.ini and delete the "DialogLocataion" line inside the [Mesh Export] section? :

[Mesh Export]

- Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
thanks it had negative values - I deleted and now AOK.

All the best for 2020.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.215 In reply to 9526.214 
Hi Alex, that's great I'm glad you're up and running again! I will see if I can ignore coordinates like that. I think that could happen if the moi.ini file was created on a system with a different multi-monitor layout than your new system.

- Michael
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 From:  hunter07
9526.216 In reply to 9526.215 

When will the new version of MOI3D be released?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.217 In reply to 9526.216 
Hi hunter, there should be another beta out within a few days I hope. There will still be one more beta after that before the final one. There is still some stuff to finish up with dimensions.

- Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
9526.218 In reply to 9526.215 
Hi Michael, On my main workstation I have 1 34inch widescreen as my main screen - replaced 2 screens but I use a wacom touch screen which is positioned below the widescreen so a little different to your horizontal multi screen setup. I would say as the widescreens come down in price multiscreens setups will drop off not having a join in the middle is so much better.

thanks again.
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 From:  Andre
9526.219 In reply to 9526.218 
No way I would replace my multiple screens with a wide screen. 2 screens give me 2 distinct areas that I can maximize windows to. 4 if using Windows+Arrow-Left and Windows+Arrow-Right.
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 From:  Tumby
Hi Michael,

I apologise if this has already been discussed. I use MoI for exporting CAD via LWO to Modo. It's great! But I've noticed in the V4 Beta that I'm getting a lot more problems with flipped polys in the export mesh than I do in V3.

Ideally I would just use double-sided materials in Modo/VRay but then there's problems using rounded edge shaders because of the surface normals, so I have to go and flip any problem polys by hand (which can take a long time!)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.221 In reply to 9526.220 
Hi Will, do you have an example model that you can post here or e-mail to me at moi@moi3d.com that behaves differently in the mesh export between v3 and v4?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Tumby
9526.222 In reply to 9526.221 
Thanks Michael, I've sent you an email with a test file.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.223 In reply to 9526.222 
Hi Will, thanks for sending the test file. I can repeat the difference between v3 and v4 with your file. It appears to be caused by differences in the joining process when importing an IGES file.

For IGES imports, V3 would only attempt to join edges to other edges where the edges matched each other at their endpoints.

In V4 this has been modified so that during the joining process it will also try to split edges at "T" junctures so those will join as well. This is however going poorly with your file here, it's making things like little tiny edge fragments which then makes for an ambiguous face adjacency traversal later on which is used to gather faces on the same side of a non-solid joined surface for orienting normals.

I will send you a v4 test build that restores the same behavior as V3 for IGES joining. If that works better I will revert this v4 change back to v3 behavior.

- Michael
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 From:  hunter07
9526.224 In reply to 9526.217 
Thank you Michael,

The dimension feature problem makes life harder. When the new beta version will be out?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.225 In reply to 9526.224 
Hi hunter, sorry it's hard to know exactly when, when I get bug reports in I often stop and fix those up so that can delay things a bit.

Hopefully just a couple more days here.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.226 In reply to 9526.224 
Ok, I've got the strategy for preset dimension properties worked out, there will be a new "Dimensions" section of the Options dialog. I've got the dialog working but still working on some of the plumbing. It's a little complicated because these settings can be modified while you are in the middle of running a command.

The "default" preset is for global dim properties, it is stored in the moi.ini file. If you want to use the same settings across all projects then this is the one you would set. You can make additional presets that will be stored in a .3dm file if you want to project-specific settings.

It's close but probably won't be finished today:

- Michael

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 From:  AlexPolo
Looking good - I mostly port my drawings into Rhino or Solidworks for dimensioned detailed drawings but really looking forward to be able to pump out simple drawings straight out of MOI. Great addon.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.228 In reply to 9526.227 
Thanks Alex! Yes, without line types and hatching it won't quite be suitable for detailed drawings but it should be very quick and convenient for simple drawings.

I hope it will be useful!

- Michael
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