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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.190 In reply to 9526.189 
Hi Morten, most likely a driver issue. I would recommend checking your video card manufacture's web site to see if there is a newer version you can update to.

- Michael
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 From:  Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
A simple question: can I install the new beta without having any problem with the already installed old version? I mean can I have both of them installed in the same computer?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9526.192 In reply to 9526.191 
The last beta V 4 can be installed without problem on the same computer if you have yet the V 3!
You can even install the alternate demo infinite without save! ;) (V 3)

The previous betas are time limited so don't work any more!
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 From:  Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
Thanks Pilou! : - )
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.194 In reply to 9526.191 
Hi Dimitri, yes like Pilou says above you can install the current v4 beta alongside any other version of MoI. By default they will go into their own separately named install folders and not directly on top of each other.

- Michael
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 From:  Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
Thanks Michael! : - )
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 From:  nameless
Hey all! I hope the ones on a holiday are enjoying it!

Not sure if this is intended, user error, misunderstanding of the tool on my part or a bug, but I will leave it here. The object on the right is the profile of the sweep on the left. When I try to modify a point I get this behavior which I find puzzling :))

EDITED: 24 Dec 2019 by NAMELESS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.197 In reply to 9526.196 
Hi nameless, can you please post the .3dm model file with the objects in it that you show there?

- Michael
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 From:  nameless
9526.198 In reply to 9526.197 
Hey Michael! :) I edited the original message with the .gif and added a 3dm. Let me know if you need anything else.

Keep in mind that I fiddled with MoI's scale as you know and it could be related to that.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.199 In reply to 9526.198 
Hi nameless, so there's a thing built in to Sweep called "autoplace mode" which determines whether the sweep should start directly from the curve as given, or whether the profile should be moved and rotated to the start of the path curve and then swept starting from there.

Autoplace mode is implicitly turned on or off depending on whether the profile curve is inside the bounding box around the rail or outside of the rail's bounding box.

So your weird result is happening because autoplace mode is off somehow during the history update. That seems like a bug so I'll investigate why it is off then. Other kinds of edits like move/rotate/scale of the whole profile curve seem to be working ok, it's during a control point edit that it looks like there is an autoplace bug.

- Michael
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 From:  nameless
9526.200 In reply to 9526.199 
I see! That solves the mystery :) Thank you for looking into it Michael.

And in danger of a mild thread highjack- I have been trying to find a way to map something like this-> script:moi.ui.getActiveViewport().Zoom( 0.9 ); on my mouse wheel in an attempt to mitigate the jump caused by the small scale issue we were talking about. Is by any chance any .ini setting describing what the mouse wheel scroll does inside MoI? Or a way to smuggle a Ctrl press along with it :))
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.201 In reply to 9526.200 
Hi nameless, re: mouse wheel - currently if you hold down Ctrl and use the mouse wheel it will take a smaller step size than the regular one, is that what you mean? There isn't currently any way to adjust the speed in moi.ini though.

Also the history bug looks like a regression in v4 - v3 seems to behave properly. So that might also help me to track down the bug.

- Michael
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 From:  nameless
9526.202 In reply to 9526.201 
Wow, I fished a V4 specific bug?! :)

I temporarily solved the other issue. I used a free program called XMouseButtonControl (which I recommend!) that lets you customize all aspects of mouse behavior and has program specific profiles. So when I load MoI, my scroll has the Ctrl modifier attached. Seems like an awesome utility. Now I can navigate my tiny MoI Viewport without teleporting!
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 From:  skipper
9526.203 In reply to 9526.20 
Hi Michael,

great features, the Area and Volume Details help a lot!

A nice feature would be to be able to define different units for them. Engineering designs are in mm (in Europe) but we purchase materials e.g. in liters (dm3) or m2 or calculate the weight based on roh in cm3 or need volumes in m3 as it's a standard unit for calculations. Of course we are all able do the math but it would be a nice-to-have.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.204 In reply to 9526.203 
Hi skipper I'm glad the area and volume calculations will be helpful!

I do want to enable switching those to different units like you're asking but it probably won't get done in the v4 time frame.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  nameless
9526.205 In reply to 9526.204 
Hi Michael,

Could object scale place a cap on the number of polys I can get during .obj export? I have a solid that seems to be unaffected by anything smaller than 3 decimals (in divide larger than field of the exporter). I usually can ramp up the resolution, but now it caps at 400k polys. :O

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.206 In reply to 9526.205 
Hi nameless, yes if the polygon edge length goes much under the regular modeling tolerance level it will start to consider points to be too close together and not refine them further. The standard fixed modeling tolerance level is 0.001 units. It's not so good to make objects that are going to have features that are around or smaller than that size.

In general it's best to avoid using a unit system that makes you have numeric values that are smaller than around 0.05 units or so in size like you are doing here. Instead of using meters with some model features around 0.0001 in length like you have it I would recommend having units = centimeters for this object.

I am trying to convert things that use a fixed tolerance to instead use a fraction of the object's bounding box size so that it can adapt to objects with unusually large or small object sizes but I think it is too late in the beta release cycle to attempt to do that for meshing right now.

There are other things that will not accommodate really tiny objects very well like .obj format for example writes out coordinates in a text file and so you would need to bump up the number of decimal places used for the text representation of coordinates with such small object sizes.

There also may be just a general loss of precision for numeric calculations when objects have very large or very small numeric values.

One thing to note is that whether an object is considered unusually large or small is about how many decimal places are used in its coordinate values, like if you have values of 10000000.0 or 0.000000001 , regardless of what the current unit system is set to.

- Michael
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 From:  nameless
9526.207 In reply to 9526.206 
I see! Thank you for explaining it in such detailed manner. Is the weird topology that I am attaching during export of a simple cube, symptom of small scale?

In addition, I just realized that I can use the scale factor option on the Import/Export preferences and equalize things that way instead. That should have been my first move to begin with...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.208 In reply to 9526.207 
Hi nameless,

> Is the weird topology that I am attaching during export of a simple cube, symptom of small scale?

Yes, I think so.

- Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Michael,
Probably been asked before just cant find it in the string of posts - is the dimensions tool going to have a global preference for document used in terms of font size and general dimensions prefs. Something you can setup for the document your working on and it keeps those preferences as you work on new dimensions for that doc. You could be working on a large or small scale documents independently.
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