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 From:  trc (TERRYC)
Hi Michael,

I know you're hard at work and I shouldn't ask...

But would it be possible, in the Display Options of the Annotation Properties, to have a selection for "Above Line Screen Aligned"?

It could come in handy for small measurements.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.152 In reply to 9526.151 
Hi Terry,

> But would it be possible, in the Display Options of the Annotation Properties, to have a selection for "Above Line Screen Aligned"?
> It could come in handy for small measurements.

How would that work though? Like where would you expect the text here to be positioned? :

There is another thing that I want to add which is for dims to have points show up that you can turn on with Edit > Show pts and one of the points would be for the text to allow you to drag it to a custom position.

- Michael

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
9526.153 In reply to 9526.1 

Very cool to see dimensions and editable text.

Been quite busy lately and haven't read all the comments.
Show points doesn't seem to work on dimensions.

It would be cool when exporting to PDF to have the option to set dimensions according to font size.
Let's say you want the font at 8pts, the rest of dimensions would scale accordingly.

Great work on the details panels, the selection filter is very interesting, quite flexible panel.

Will you consider implementing simple dashed lines in this version ?


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 From:  trc (TERRYC)
9526.154 In reply to 9526.152 
> How would that work though?

That's a good point. I guess it would be more of a perpendicular offset rather than "above". I like your idea better though!

Thanks Michael.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.155 In reply to 9526.154 
Hi Terry, could you maybe show a sketch of what you were thinking of originally?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.156 In reply to 9526.153 
Hi Marc,

> Show points doesn't seem to work on dimensions.

Yup, just not finished quite yet.

> It would be cool when exporting to PDF to have the option to set dimensions
> according to font size.
> Let's say you want the font at 8pts, the rest of dimensions would scale accordingly.

Yes, if I understand you right that's what I'm going to be trying to do as the default method. Like if you set your font to 8pts it should show on the screen at 8pt size and on the PDF page it's also 8pts high there as well.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to introduce a model units sized option as well though.

> Great work on the details panels, the selection filter is very interesting, quite flexible panel.

Thanks! This should be a good place to stash a lot of other stuff in the future as well.

> Will you consider implementing simple dashed lines in this version ?

Sorry no, that would delay v4 too much longer. That will have to wait until after the v4 release.

- Michael
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 From:  trc (TERRYC)
9526.157 In reply to 9526.155 
Hi Michael. I guess I was thinking something like this. The annotation would be screen aligned but offset perpendicular to the arrow line.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.158 In reply to 9526.157 
Hi Terry, thanks, I see. So I think the problem with that is when the text has more than just a couple characters in it, it's going to kind of force the text quite a ways off.

Once you can rearrange the text to a custom position by using Edit > Show pts on it then you should be able to get that kind of result.

- Michael
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 From:  trc (TERRYC)
9526.159 In reply to 9526.158 
> Once you can rearrange the text to a custom position by using Edit > Show pts on it then you should be able to get that kind of result.

I agree completely.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
9526.160 In reply to 9526.156 
Hi Michael,

"""""""""If you set your font to 8pts it should show on the screen at 8pt size and on the PDF page it's also 8pts high there as well."""""""

Awesome !

Concerning dashed lines I thought it would be easy to do because you showed them early on in your process.
I guess it's more complicated that it looks. I was thinking of users who doesn't rely on other programs to edit PDF.

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 From:  Mip (VINC)
9526.161 In reply to 9526.84 
Hi Michael,

I'm experimenting the same problem as Tech (msg 9526.84) under MacOs 10.9.5.
Some notes : In the previous beta version, the Save dialog was not a Mac OS 'sheet' (ie tied to the Title Bar') but the other dialogs, such as 'Edit Style' were. However, clicking on Add or Edit would bring the 'sheet' over the already open 'Edit Style' 'sheet'.
In the new version, they are under the 'Edit Style' 'sheet' and impossible to reach.
I have to press the Escape key to close them or blind type the name of a new style.
This confirms that it's really underneath.

The Save Dialog is now a 'sheet' in the new beta, but this is not a problem as there are no sub dialogs to activate.

As another subject, I would like to mention that when a Mac user tries to enter the diameter symbol 'ΓΈ' as an anotation prefix or suffix (or using the Text tool) by using the keyboard entry alt+o, it activates the Open dialog instead of entering the symbol.

Thanks for all the hard work.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.162 In reply to 9526.160 
Hi Marc,

> Concerning dashed lines I thought it would be easy to do because you showed them early on in your process.
> I guess it's more complicated that it looks. I was thinking of users who doesn't rely on other programs to edit PDF.

Yes, just having them in the display is sort of the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot of work involved in planning the UI for managing them and having a strategy for import/export to different file formats.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.163 In reply to 9526.161 
Hi Mip,

> I'm experimenting the same problem as Tech (msg 9526.84) under MacOs 10.9.5.

Can you please send me an e-mail at moi@moi3d.com and I'll send you a build with a fix for this to test.

> As another subject, I would like to mention that when a Mac user tries to enter the diameter
> symbol 'ΓΈ' as an anotation prefix or suffix (or using the Text tool) by using the keyboard entry
> alt+o, it activates the Open dialog instead of entering the symbol.

Can you look in your shortcut keys in MoI under Options > Shortcut keys, is there an entry there for Alt+O ? If there is that's probably a remnant from v3, if you remove it can you then put it in ok?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Mip (VINC)
9526.164 In reply to 9526.163 
Hi Michael,

>Can you please send me an e-mail at moi@moi3d.com and I'll send you a build with a fix for this to test.

I just sent you my e-mail.

>Can you look in your shortcut keys in MoI under Options > Shortcut keys, is there an entry there for Alt+O ?
> If there is that's probably a remnant from v3, if you remove it can you then put it in ok?

About the alt+o shortcut, I never thought to check in the existing shortcuts.
I deleted all of the standard Edit Shortcuts that already have equivalents in Ctrl or Cmd and it's OK.

Thanks again !

- Michel
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 From:  moujiik
Hi, suddently, strange things hapens with my dimensions ...?
It seems it's because the object is large.

EDITED: 2 Nov 2019 by MOUJIIK


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9526.166 In reply to 9526.165 
Maybe the Scale is too big because when you reduce it all works fine !
Scale 0.5
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.167 In reply to 9526.165 
Hi moujiik, yes there's a bug in the text display that will happen if your object has coordinates larger that 2500 units. I've got it fixed for the next beta which I should be able to put out in a few more days.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  val2
I may have found a bug?
When I do a simple offset to the out side I get extra lines original line is the blue line the offset is the orange line and the red lines are the unwanted lines.


EDITED: 11 Jan by VAL2

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.169 In reply to 9526.168 
Hi Val, yup that's a bug although it's not new for v4 it's also present in v3 and earlier. The bug has to do with the process of extending the offset to make a new sharp point on it. The extension method used is a reflection method and when it makes a long reflected extension that's what makes the kind of crazy excess stuff. I've looked into it a little bit before and I'll take another look but it may be a fairly sensitive thing to mess with right near the end of the beta process so it might need to wait for a bit for a fix.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
HI Michael,
Trying to create and PDF with dimensions but they drop out. Any advice welcome.

EDITED: 20 Sep 2020 by ALEXPOLO


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