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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Can we make dimension in the 3D view ?

What is the strategy ?

Can you make a little video about dimension in the 3D view ?

For top one I can draw it on the ground then move it...
For the diagonal it's easy in using the other views but...directly in the 3D view full screen?

Ok no problem in using Cplan one for the diagonal, one for top one :)
That works fine but maybe that is not the good strategy ?
It's curious that dimension can't works directly in the normal 3D world for any face! :)

EDITED: 10 Oct 2019 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.14 In reply to 9526.4 

> It works! I measured things!

Thanks for the screenshot, those are looking really nice if I don't say so myself! :)


> there are new ";" comments ? Not for translation I suppose ?

Nope the lines in the strings file that start with ; are comments meant to give some information to translators, they are not intended to be translated themselves.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.15 In reply to 9526.10 
Hi Ed,

> Will there be any way to link the dimensions to the object? That way when
> I move the object the dimensions move as well?

Not for V4, but I'd probably think of solving this with a general purpose "keep things together" grouping mechanism rather than something special just for dimensions alone.

> However, doing that makes the Move Tool and the Alignment shortcut buttons behave
> incorrectly because the boundary box no longer matches the object.

Hmmm, yeah currently selected dimensions contribute any model space points that they have in them to the bounding box size but I can see how that can be troublesome.

But when they don't contribute it's kind of strange that you don't get a 2D edit frame on them when they are selected themselves.

Maybe they should only do that when only annotation objects are selected and no other object types?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.16 In reply to 9526.13 
Hi Pilou,

> Can we make dimension in the 3D view ?
> What is the strategy ?

Well dimensions are focused on making a measurement in a 2D projected view. They are planar objects and when you create them they are projected onto the view's construction plane. You can make them in the 3D view, they are just projected down to the the 3D view's construction plane.

If you want that plane to be somewhere else you can use View > CPlane to set the construction plane to one of your box's faces before you create the dimension.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9526.17 In reply to 9526.16 
:) It's that I have found! But believed that was another tricky thing ...
Because using the Cplan is not so easy for novice...

In the normal 3D view you can rotate the line of arrow before the second Click...
...it's a little perturbating to not can Click it on Z altitude!

A simple line yes! :) Understand that can be a little frustration :)

EDITED: 10 Oct 2019 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.18 In reply to 9526.11 
Hi OSTexo,

> I'm noticing some different behavior when trying to use Align with the Dimension tools.
> It seems when I draw a dimension then try to align using the Align tool it the alignment
> drag point is offset from the annotation by a variable amount. Is this normal behavior?

Hmmm yeah it's kind of like they're a little lazy with Transform > Align. That's definitely a bug, not intentional. I'll see about squashing it thanks for reporting it!

> Also, is there a way to place the text of a dimension outside of the measurement
> and flip the arrowheads? Otherwise for small measurements the annotation has a
> tendency to collapse in on itself and it becomes unreadable.

There isn't anything set up for that currently. Do you think it should happen automatically when the text doesn't fit at the current zoom level or is it better to have an option that flips it manually and stays that way at all zoom levels?

> Any chance for curved leaders or aligned spacing for stacked measurements?

I really wanted to do curved leaders but it was going to be difficult enough that it's punted out after v4.

Could you show an example of the stacked measurement spacing? Is that something like a property value you want to adjust later on or would it be some option in the drawing commands?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  beanworks
um. ... a little help here. How do i change the font size for the vertical dim?


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9526.20 In reply to 9526.19 
Select your dimension
then press Detail... Up Right Corner Screen

Click on the right of the Word Font
then Choose what you wish and Press OK then Close :)

EDITED: 10 Oct 2019 by PILOU

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 From:  beanworks
The horizontal dims font properties says "none. using UI font" but the veritcal dims font properties looks like this..


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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.22 In reply to 9526.19 
Hi beanworks,

> um. ... a little help here. How do i change the font size for the vertical dim?

You can set the font by selecting the dimension, then clicking "Details..." in the properties panel in the upper right corner of the window. Then you can click on the Font: line in that extended properties panel.

But it kind of looks like it might be a display bug, can you please send the model file to me at moi@moi3d.com so I can take a look.

- Michael
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 From:  beanworks
thats as small as the font will go
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.24 In reply to 9526.13 
Hi Pilou,

> That works fine but maybe that is not the good strategy ?
> It's curious that dimension can't works directly in the normal 3D world for any face! :)

It's kind of dangerous for dimensions to be too easily placed in 3D because it can cause ambiguity.

Like for example when you see a drawing like this:

It's important that it should be a measurement of this length:

And not this one which appears the same in the 2D drawing:

So for the purposes of making 2D drawings it's good for dimensions to be placed with some care and it's not great to try to make it really easy to stick anywhere in 3D space even though that would be fun for playing around with them.

- Michael

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 From:  beanworks

Interesting, the file is way too big to email but the file came from Rhino with lots of annotations (which didn't show up in MOI3 but did in MOI4). When I exported the geometry to its own file it looks fine. Incidentally, the the file was produced in Rhino6, saved as a Rhino5 and its been doing some various weird things when I open the file. I would be happy to upload it to a dropbox or something if you still want to see it.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.26 In reply to 9526.21 
Hi beanworks,

> The horizontal dims font properties says "none. using UI font" but the
> veritcal dims font properties looks like this..

Were some of those dims created in Rhino?

I think what you're seeing there is some kind of display bug, not really a font setting problem. Can you please send the file to me at moi@moi3d.com so I can take a look?

- Michael
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 From:  beanworks
9526.27 In reply to 9526.26 
cant email it Michael. its way too large. Yes, the dimensions were originally done in Rhino6
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.28 In reply to 9526.25 
Hi beanworks,

> I would be happy to upload it to a dropbox or something if you still want to see it.

Yes please that would be helpful for me to look at.

So the weird looking text salad that you're seeing at a far zoom out level is a side effect from the different display strategy that MoI's first round of dimensions are focused on. That's that the text is scale independent and tries to stay at the same size on screen no matter if you are zoomed in a ways or zoomed out.

The intention of that is to try and free you from having to worry about the text scale when you're putting in dimensions on a simple drawing.

The downside is that in a drawing that has a lot of dimensions and you also zoom out quite a ways they will run into each other like that. I think I might try to shrink down the text when you're zoomed out a long ways from a dimension to help tame that and I also know that there will need to be an option for the text to be scale dependent as well because scale independent text does not work for making something like a title block where you want the text to fit in gridded boxes.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.29 In reply to 9526.27 
Hi beanworks, yes now MoI will display dimensions in files from Rhino while before it would keep those stored internally only.

But text is displayed differently in MoI than in Rhino, MoI is focused on scale independent text display that stays the same size on screen while Rhino's is fixed at a specific model size and gets huge when you zoom in and tiny when zoomed out.

- Michael
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
9526.30 In reply to 9526.15 
"... Maybe they should only do that when only annotation objects are selected and no other object types?"

Michael - I think that's worth trying and see if it seems intuitive.

Probably the tools I use the most are the alignment tools - they save a lot of time. For example, I'm working on a machine fixture that has a lot of pieces that butt up against each other in all directions.

So yeah, if annotations are selected only, then allow them to have a boundary box. If annotations are selected along with another object(s), restrict the boundary box to the objects as if annotations were not selected (but allow the annotations to follow the object(s) when moved?).

Otherwise moves and alignments won't work. I can't think of a case where a user would want to operate on the entire boundary box that included annotations.

If the boundary box includes the annotations as it does now, future edits of the model will be difficult, because either the annotations get separated from the object, or precision alignment is sacrificed.

One workaround is to only add annotations when the model is complete, but personally, I've never made a complex model that stayed static for very long :)

Ed Ferguson
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9526.31 In reply to 9526.24 
<< So for the purposes of making 2D drawings it's good for dimensions to be placed with some care and it's not great to try to make it really easy to stick anywhere in 3D space even though that would be fun for playing around with them.

I can understand that...and there are another play tools for play with that! :)

And if i want really 3D dimensions i can use the CPlan and the 3 views so not a big deal... ;)

A funny one : the measure tool has it's own 3D Gizmo (of course this amazing free Twinmotion) :)
Funny to see the automatic measure following different rotations of the Gizmo along the altitude's variation of surfaces!
...and the jump from volumes to volumes like a laser one!

EDITED: 10 Oct 2019 by PILOU

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 From:  trc (TERRYC)

Thank you. This is looking very nice so far. It sounds like you will be working on getting the annotations to export. Will there be a way to set defaults so so you don't have to keep making changes in the dialog? That would be very helpful. Also, as Frenchy has mentioned, it would be very nice to be able to draw dims more directly in the 3D view.

Very nice. Anxiously awaiting the export capability.

Thanks again for this great tool.

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