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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.98 In reply to 9266.97 
Hi Vladimir, in order to automate something I would need to know what parameters you want the automation process to take as inputs.

Would the input be the rectangle and 4 circle curves like you have in the file?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Only for a quadrangle or for any closed curves ?
For many objects in the same time ?
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Message 9266.100 was deleted

 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.101 In reply to 9266.100 
Hi Vladimir, I mean that I need to understand how you want the automation to run.

What type of values do you want to enter?

What would the UI of the automation look like? What controls would it have?

- Michael
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Message 9266.102 was deleted

 From:  nameless
Hey friends! I hope everyone is having fun and being creative!

I got some time to model with the latest beta again :)

I notice that when manipulating the points of an open polyline, I get no snap when moving the ends. There is no snap to point behavior when I move a point. Have I turned something off or this is normal?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.104 In reply to 9266.103 
Hi nameless, it is normal that moving a polyline point will not snap to itself while dragging points but you can use the Transform > Move command if you need to do that.

If that's not it then it sounds like you have turned "Object Snap" off. It is controlled by this button in the bottom toolbar:

If that is not highlighted in orange click on it to turn it on.

It is also possible to disable specific types of snaps, that is done by clicking on the little arrow above the Object Snap button that will appear when you move the mouse over it. A menu will pop out where specific snap types can be disabled so you might see if you have unchecked any of those previously:

- Michael

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 From:  nameless
9266.105 In reply to 9266.104 
Hi Michael,

Object snap was on (with point snap on). I was trying to move (by dragging) the ending points of a |_| to form a triangle, but the snap does not "see" points. Using move command solves it though! I just found it curious that it would detect every potential snap axis/point except for the points of the line while I moved a point around.

Thank you for your very thorough answer! :)

EDITED: 28 Mar 2019 by NAMELESS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.106 In reply to 9266.105 
Hi nameless, there are some kind of odd effects when dragging points when snapping to the object's own self. Stuff like the starting point kind of getting stuck in place and just tending to stay stuck on its own shape rather than being freely movable.

It would probably make sense to make an exception for the other end of an open curve though.

- Michael
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 From:  nameless
9266.107 In reply to 9266.106 
Hi Michael,

I think that behavior would be more intuitive, somehow you expect to be able to close a curve by dragging the ends.

It remains amazing to me how you have limitless energy and an open ear to all feedback. MoI has a very loving father :)
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 From:  pafurijaz
Hi everyone, I wanted to do a conversion test in NURBS surfaces this 3D scan(https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1415162), I used Blender to generate the square topology with the remesh modifier, then I exported to OBJ and I created a new mesh using a free app Instant_Mesh to generate a smaller file 21.9MB (21.882.962 bytes), finally I imported in Moi3D to generate the NURBS surface from the square mesh obj model, the conversion was successful but the resulting file is huge, unmanageable, to be used too heavy 1.6GB (1.564.648.052 byte)

Below the zip file contain the file use for the NURBS conversion.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.109 In reply to 9266.108 
Hi pafurijaz, thanks for testing it! It is not really expected that such a highly detailed and heavy mesh would give a manageable result, it would need to be significantly simplified for that.

The main focus of the converter is to give a highly accurate result, it's really more intended to enable getting a smooth and accurate conversion from a light sub-d cage so that can be used as a base shape for further NURBS modeling.

Conversion of 3D scanned data really needs a more specialized tool that is focused entirely on that process, it is not a specific focus area of MoI's converter.

That being said it is good to see some "torture testing" of it as well!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
I make the same with your file (used Zbrush Decimation Master 10% - gives me a file OBJ 1 .5 megas )

But subdiv in Moi gives a 3dm quasi 1 Giga ! (980 megas) not manageable on my Latop! (just following)
https://www.filehosting.org/file/details/790793/Rhino_scan_remk.zip (file 3dm of 980 megas)

with Decimation Master 5 % gives a file OBJ 660 KB for a 3dm of 450 Megas!
https://www.filehosting.org/file/details/790794/Rhino_scan_remk660.zip (file 3dm of 450 megas)
More easy! Just following!

EDITED: 31 Mar 2019 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Even with a very big decimation (0,5 %)

(unzip = .3dm of 44 megas for an .obj of 660 KB)

Boolean Operation takes some times! A Boolean Diff with a Simple Sphere takes 20 sec! ;)
Does it the same for you ?

EDITED: 2 Apr 2019 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Even with a big decimation here in Zbrush Decimation Master (0.5 % )

Operations after importation by subdivision take some times! :)

Boolean Diff a simple sphere takes 20 seconds!

And Rhino is something like a Pompom's sculpture! :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  dinos
9266.113 In reply to 9266.112 
Hi Pilou,

try Instant Meshes! (https://igl.ethz.ch/projects/instant-meshes/)

I exported an obj of around 8K polygons, pure quad mesh with a file size of 3.5MB. Imported nicely into Moi3D.

3dm file was around 88MB but it looks clean and i can boolean diff a sphere in 10-15 sec on my MBP :-)

Playing with different polygon counts is easy in Instant Meshes so give it a go!

Image Attachments:
Size: 200.5 KB, Downloaded: 33 times, Dimensions: 1762x1748px
Size: 440 KB, Downloaded: 62 times, Dimensions: 1830x1828px
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9266.114 In reply to 9266.113 
I took your OBJ file and run it inside Zbrush for decimate it! ;)

And I suppose the Zbrush Decimaster has same functions than Instant Mesher! ;)

It's more that problem : I have only 8 Gigas ram on my Latop!

And seems I have same time consuming for boolean function than you! ;)

Ps Have you a direct link for download an Instant Mesher windows version ? Because I am a little losted over all these files!
(without line command if possible! :)

Else 8 years old! ;)

EDITED: 2 Apr 2019 by PILOU

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 From:  dinos
9266.115 In reply to 9266.114 
Sure, you can download it from the github page: https://github.com/wjakob/instant-meshes

Its fast and efficient and should run nicely on your computer.
It even has a really nice UI to play with :-)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.116 In reply to 9266.111 
Hi Pilou,

> Boolean Operation takes some times! A Boolean Diff with a Simple Sphere takes 20 sec! ;)
> Does it the same for you ?

This is probably because of the relatively high face count in the model. Your model appears to be made up of all triangles instead of being a quad-dominant mesh set up for sub-d smoothing. So because of that you're getting a lot of little tiny faces.

The sub-d importer is primarily focused on converting sub-d models, not non-sub-d triangle mesh models like you are using there.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9266.117 In reply to 9266.115 
Thx but the direct link for Windows all in one Standalone was a little more following! ;)

After some clicking I finally found it! :)

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