V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Michael and Friends ,
a question ....
I have already installed the V4 Beta of October 2018, to install the new Beta of February, I must first delete the one already installed,
or automatically this will replace the other ...
with repercussions also on everything installed, Nodeeditor
Custom Interface and Various Script ... etc. etc.
I know you've already given us answers, but I do not remember
where to look for them ..
If you could help me you would be grateful
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 From:  MarkBTomlinson
9266.8 In reply to 9266.7 
It will install into a new location you won't overwrite the old file. So no you don't have to uninstall unless you want to.

3D Hard Surface

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 From:  mkdm
9266.9 In reply to 9266.1 
Hello Michael!

Thank you very much for this new update!!

I find super useful these two things:

1) Add SubD import option for either fewer patches but with denser surface control points, or more patches around extraordinary vertices but with fewer surface control points in regular areas of the mesh. Set under Options > Import/Export > SubD import options > "Patch type".

2) Update multiple selection - Add option for doing multiple selection only when shift key is down. Options > General > Multiple selection: "Always" or "Only when Shift is down".

Long awaited this new multiple selection behavior! Perfect!

Looking forward bow to improvements on the display mesh routines and the antialiasing also for surfaces not only for the curves :)


- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.10 In reply to 9266.9 
That's great Marco, I'm glad those are useful!

> Looking forward bow to improvements on the display mesh routines and the
> antialiasing also for surfaces not only for the curves :)

Can you please remind me what the "display mesh routines" part is about?

- Michael
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
Great Stuff Michael, Thanks!

Tried a quick test of patch combining on SubD Create and it worked well.

It's nice to get material assignments from OBJ file too.

EDITED: 28 Feb 2019 by SBEECH

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.12 In reply to 9266.11 
Hi danperk, thanks for testing the new materials-aware patch combining. That looks great!

That should hopefully be a pretty easy way to be able to influence patch formation.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
Thanks for the new beta Michael !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.14 In reply to 9266.13 
You're welcome PaQ!

- Michael
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 From:  Finema
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the update. it's top !
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 From:  mkdm
9266.16 In reply to 9266.10 
Hello Michael.

@You: "...Can you please remind me what the "display mesh routines" part is about?..."

Well...something we where talking about many months ago.

I'm referring to some improvements to the way Moi is using to display/render the nurbs surfaces.
Actually, despite any kind of tweaking I can try with the control panel of my GPU (Nvidia Quadro and Nvidia 1080 Ti), the antialiasing is never applied to the boundaries of the surfaces but only to the nurbs curves.

Also there's still the old problem of the "unwanted fake edges" or "edges glitches" that moi sometimes draw for certain area of the objects.

Here in these 3 screenshots you con see what I'm talking about :)

The "read area" show you the missing antialiasing in the rendering of the surfaces and, in the last pictures, the "edges glitches".


- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.17 In reply to 9266.16 
Hi Marco, you can find some more information on the "edges glitches" part here:

Although that is something that I want to try and improve in the future I do not expect to be able to work on it for V4, sorry.

Antialiasing for shaded surfaces is still on my list to investigate and may be feasible to add for v4, I will know more when I give it a try. It is still on my remaining investigation list.

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
9266.18 In reply to 9266.17 
Hi Micheal.

About surfaces antialiasing you wrote :" It is still on my remaining investigation list."

Ok. Good to know :)

Please don't erase it from your list :)


- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hooray Michael !!! Again.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Thanks Michael, it will be very cool to be able to import subivision surfaces.
A new set of possibilities!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.21 In reply to 9266.11 
Hi danperk, so for your shark example there I wanted to mention the modes "Patch type: Fewer patches, more control points" and the new "Patch type: More patches, fewer control points" will have the exact same shape. The difference is in how patches get glued together.

The first mode which is the default combines things by radiating out from extraordinary vertices, generally making longer strips following edge flows. The patches immediately around an extraordinary vertex will be degree 6 and the neighboring ones that will get glued get degree elevated from degree 3 to degree 6, so that's what makes them have more control points. Although there are quite a lot of control points it's not really something to worry about very much since it is not likely that you will be doing control point editing of them directly and they are evenly dispersed.

The new "Patch type: More patches, fewer control points" will keep the degree 6 patches immediately around an extraordinary vertex to be separate and glue together the regular areas of the mesh which then get to stay degree 3 and thus have fewer control points. But it will have a lot more small surfaces around extraordinary vertices and so have more little edges and the overall structure won't quite follow edge flows as much.

One method is not really automatically better than the other in all cases but with the new setting you can choose between these tradeoffs if you want.

- Michael
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 From:  r2d3
What happens with STYLE in this beta?

I have a object with different styles after some boolean operations. To make the object back to one style again in previous betas i clicked on style in the info menu -> i get some style options -> choose one and ready.

This doesent work in the new beta because there are no style options poping up......

looking for moments of inspiration...

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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
Hi Michael,

It's definitely not something I'm worried about, just wanted to show the point structure of the 2 options.

As Pilou says, Thanks for the precision! ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.24 In reply to 9266.22 
Hi Ralf, re: Style menu not working - that's a typo bug that came in when trying to add a Ctrl+left click to work same as right-click (as requested here http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=9245.5). The bug is that also plain left click ended up doing the same as Ctrl+left click.

It can be fixed up updating the file SidePaneContextArea.htm in the UI sub-folder in the main install folder with the attached version below. Thanks for reporting the bug!

(EDIT: note - re-issued Feb-27-2019 beta has this fix included)

Also if you would prefer for booleans to make a single style result you can change a setting in moi.ini that will do that:


Thanks, - Michael


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 From:  mkdm
9266.25 In reply to 9266.24 
Hello Michael.

@You: "It can be fixed up updating the file SidePaneContextArea.htm in the UI sub-folder in the main install folder with the attached version below. Thanks for reporting the bug!"

Please can you update also the first message of this new beta.
So in this way it's easy to get this fix without the need to remember that exists this bug and where to get the right file to fix it.


- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  Dan (DANIEL_SIR)

Is it normal to have this when editing color style in the new beta version?
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