V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now
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 From:  JaXXoN
9266.48 In reply to 9266.46 
Hi Michael,

I sent you an email as requested.

Thanks for looking into the nvidia+wine issue!

best regards

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 From:  AlexPolo
Zbrush 2019 with improved Remesher v3 should be a powerful precursor to the new SUBD addon in moi.

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 From:  Ekar
"2) Update multiple selection - Add option for doing multiple selection only when shift key is down. Options > General > Multiple selection: "Always" or "Only when Shift is down"."

Thankyou!!! :):):)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Michael,

when using v4 beta under Windows 10 and exporting as .obj i always have to expand the dialog box and tick
the merge vertices box. In v3 on the Mac it remembered the state and keeped the dialog box expanded and
the checkbox ticked, when restarting MoI.

Best regards
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.52 In reply to 9266.51 
Hi stefan,

> when using v4 beta under Windows 10 and exporting as .obj i always have to expand the
> dialog box and tick the merge vertices box.

That could happen if your moi.ini file is in a location where MoI.exe does not have write access permission.

Have you possibly moved your moi.ini file into the MoI install folder instead of having it in the default user data folder? If so then you would need to run MoI with elevated privileges (using "Run as administrator") for it to have write access to it.

- Michael
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Michael,

i am new to Windows 10 ... I only started the Installer and think it used
the default location in drive C: ... But thanks for the info, i will later check
and move then to a new location.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.54 In reply to 9266.53 
Hi stefan, if you just used the default installer and didn't move things around manually then the moi.ini file will by default go in the userdata folder.

Are your other settings being saved and restored ok? Like for example if you open the scene browser pane and then close MoI, does it start back up with it open again? Are your recently open files showing up in the File menu?

- Michael
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Michael,

when i ordered my PC it came with a pre-installed Windows 10 Professional,
because i did not want to install it myself. My user name is named there as
"Nutzer" i.e "user". And i believe that "Benutzer" in front of it is the regular
English "User(s)" name directory.

I led Windows 10 search for my moi.ini and i attach a screenshot, so you can
see were it resides.

The Side Pane and the Documents names get saved when re-opening MoI.


Best Regards
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.56 In reply to 9266.55 
Hi stefan, ok that's the normal place where it should be.

So I think the difference in behavior with the meshing dialog is due to a setting inside moi.ini which you had set on your Mac but not on Windows. The setting is in moi.ini under:

[Mesh Export]

Change that to =y and hopefully you should see the same behavior as you used to on your Mac.

To edit moi.ini you can go to the Options dialog, General section and push the "Edit .ini file" button.

- Michael
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Michael,

the line was not in there, so I added it with the y parameter, but when re-starting MoI it has no effect.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.58 In reply to 9266.57 
Hi Stefan, it's a bug in MoI v4 in writing the mesh settings. It escaped notice until now because most people running MoI v4 have previously run v3 on that machine as well and v3 got those settings populated how they are used to.

So the way it is supposed to work is that the settings for Display = "Shaded, etc.." , Output type and welding are automatically saved (but they aren't that's the bug) but the other numeric ones are not automatically saved (since they can depend on the scale of the particular object) unless PersistSettingsBetweenSessions=y .

So for the moment to get it working how you were used to, delete that PersistSettingsBetweenSessions=n and add in these 2 lines:

[Mesh Export]

It should read those in ok, it's writing them out that is busted. In the next v4 beta I'll have it fixed so it will be writing the settings out same as v3 did.

Thanks for reporting the bug! It was a little bit of collateral damage still left from the v3 to v4 porting.

- Michael
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Michael,

thank you very much! It is working now.

Best regards
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 From:  bemfarmer
Hi Michael,

In the latest v4 Beta, Feb-26-2019, I've come across another "scroll wheel" bug when using nodeeditor, similar to the previously reported one, which you seem
to have corrected from the previous Beta. The correction is appreciated. The bug also occurs in the previous Beta.

There are two manifestations. The first is a scroll wheel "hole" in the nodeeditor screen, near the upper center of the MoI screen, down maybe 2 inches.
The nodeeditor screen is partially overlapping the MoI screen. (It is not too hard to find, but some scroll/zooming of the depth of the ne screen may be needed.)
Normally, mouse wheel action in the nodeeditor screen causes it to scroll and zoom. In the "hole" area, the MoI screen scroll/zooms instead.
Second, nodes dragged and dropped into this "hole" area fly off, and out of view, to the upper left corner of the nodeeditor screen.
Scroll/zooming the ne screen permits the nodes to be dragged back into the ne screen box.

So the easiest way to find it is some trial and error ne zooming, and then scroll wheel action on the upper center area of the ne screen.
When MoI scroll/zooms instead of ne, the "hole" is found.

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.61 In reply to 9266.60 
Hi Brian, I can't seem to find the scroll wheel hole. Can you please post a screenshot of how your MoI window and Nodeeditor dialog window are arranged with the approximate location of the hole marked?

I'm testing with this version: nodeeditor.v.1.0.rc3.2018.03.09

Does your version possibly generate some additional HTML elements that are positioned on top of the node editor's main <canvas> element?

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
9266.62 In reply to 9266.61 
Hi Michael,

The good news is that it seems that my slight modification to Karsten's recent basicFunctions.js for dropdown html documentation, (so the dropdown would work for "Light" colored version of nodeeditor), caused the mouse scroll wheel "Hole" in nodeeditor.

I restored basicFunctions.js (11/2/2017 version) to nodeeditor/nodes/extensions/libs, and the "Hole" is gone, (and the dropdown does not work with "Light" or "Default Dark" version.)

Karsten's recent basicFunctions.js circa March 10th or March 11th, does NOT cause the "Hole", and dropdown only works for "Default Dark" version.

On the off chance that it is of interest, here is a .png with the "Hole" located directly above the enlarged Output node. (The "Hole" is still there if the Output node is not there.)

- Brian

(Karsten has some new code for me to try...)

EDITED: 14 Mar 2019 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.63 In reply to 9266.62 
Hi Brian, is there a .zip file anywhere with the node editor version with the scroll wheel hole in it?

I can check to see if it is possible to solve it by an adjustment MoI's mouse wheel message routing code or not.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
9266.64 In reply to 9266.63 
Hi Michael,

Here is the requested zip file.

To demonstrate the mouse scroll wheel "Hole" in the nodeeditor canvas, place the subdirectory "libs" into the nodeeditor/extensions folder.

The "Hole" culprit is basicFunctions.js 1/13/2019 3:35 PM, which includes near the beginning of the .js, under docupath, ...("indexhtml?scheme=Light","")+"nodes\...
[My addition of ?scheme=Light introduced the "Hole" "bug", and allows dropdown documentation to work with only the "Light" ne version]

A more recent BETTER basicFunctions.js would be to rename and use basicFunctionsKarstensMarch13Trial, which works for both Light and Default Dark nodeeditor versions. (Karsten added [0]) This version ALSO has the "Hole".

A renamed basicFunctionsDarkOnly-NoHole enables the dropdown documentation to work, default dark version only, and does not have the "Hole".

The Documentation folder, which also goes in the extensions folder, just holds the dropdown documentation Sweep.html, with a bit of proofreading,

and the construct2.js extension, which goes in the extensions folder, adds a new Sweep node. [Neither a problem as far as I know.]

- Brian

EDITED: 14 Mar 2019 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.65 In reply to 9266.64 
Hi Brian,

> To demonstrate the mouse scroll wheel "Hole" in the nodeeditor canvas, place the subdirectory
> "libs" into the nodeeditor/extensions folder.

Using nodeeditor.v.1.0.rc3.2018.03.09, I didn't see any already existing extensions folder inside the main node editor folder, should I add it in there?

Could you maybe package up the entire node editor folder with the hole problem active so I can make sure I've got it all set up ok?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
9266.66 In reply to 9266.65 
Will do Michael.
- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
9266.67 In reply to 9266.65 
Copy of my nodeeditor directory, under %apprecs%

- Brian

I'll delete it after you get it...

And thank you for all of your help!

The version of basicfunctions.js is Karsten's with latest modification, good for Light and Dark nodeeditor, but it has the "Hole".

[7zip deleted. Snaggit13 was the problem]

EDITED: 14 Mar 2019 by BEMFARMER

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