V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.197 In reply to 9266.196 
No problem Lewis! I have considered making that button say "Export selected" to help clarify that but it's unfortunately a difficult place to put in more text. Either it would need to word wrap and have "Export selected" on 2 lines, making extra space underneath the other buttons or if it was one line that button would be really wide.

- Michael
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 From:  Lewis3D
Yes i understand, there is no more room for text, Maybe add another Export icon (without rings next to it so one would be export (all) and then current one would be more noticeable as Export Selected (yellow rings).

Just an idea for easier visual feedback, no big deal one I've RTFM :).

Skype - lewis3d

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.199 In reply to 9266.198 
Hi Lewis,

>? Maybe add another Export icon (without rings next to it so one would be export (all) and
> then current one would be more noticeable as Export Selected (yellow rings).

The problem there is that Save As already does that job, so there would be 2 icons there doing the same function...

- Michael
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 From:  nis
Hi Micheal,

I love MoI -- in particular the simplified interface. Thanks for creating this great piece of software!

On macOS (10.14.6) the V4 beta has an annoying issue. When I pan or rotate with the mouse there is a short delay before MoI reacts to the mouse gesture. MoI V3 does not have this issue, so my guess is that it have something to do with your current rewrite of MoI as a native macOS app.

Have a great day,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.201 In reply to 9266.200 
Hi Nis, I haven't seen that problem over here. What is your hardware?

One of the big differences after the rewrite is that MoI v4 now supports Retina screen resolutions, that means that on a retina screen MoI draws the viewport at 4 times the resolution of v3. If you're on a somewhat older machine maybe that's enough extra work to bog things down a bit.

Do you see any difference if you right click the v4 app and choose "Get Info" and then check the "Open in Low Resolution" checkbox?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  nis
Hi Michael,

I tried to enable "open in low resolution" in "get info" and it actually helped a bit -- though it didn't completely solve the problem.

I have two Macs and the problem occurs on both of them. One is an 27 inch iMac from 2014 and the other is a MacBook Pro from 2017. I've attached specs for both of them.

Here's a link to a video that demonstrates the problem (I've used wetransfer, so it should work for one week from now):


Since you can't see my mouse, I'll explain what I am doing; I move the mouse to a random position, wait, press the middle button, and then start panning. As you can see in the video there is a delay (while the mouse moves) before MoI recognizes the mouse gesture.

I regularly use Blender, Substance Painter, Onshape, ZBrush and other 3D software, and I've never encountered this issue in either of those programs. Also panning/orbiting works fine in MoI V3. I've tried two different mouses (Magic Mouse and 3DConnexion Cad Mouse) -- it makes no difference.

An important thing that I just discovered is that orbiting works perfect when I press ALT and then use the left mouse button; hence it cannot be related to hardware issues. It only happens when I pan/orbit with the middle/right mouse button.

Best regards,


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 From:  nis
9266.203 In reply to 9266.202 
...Being a Mac programmer myself, I think it could be related to NSGestureRecognizer (if you use that). Sometimes in order to handle multiple types of gestures the user needs to move the mouse around quite a bit, before NSGestureRecognizer recognises what particular gesture he/she is doing. I don't know if this is the problem, but at least it is worth to look into.

Best regards,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.204 In reply to 9266.202 
Hi Nis, thanks for the video. So what's going on there is that MoI waits until you have moved the mouse a certain distance before it starts doing a drag operation. That's so a press and release "click" can be distinguished from a hold and drag.

I looked over the code involved and I do see a bug though where on a Retina display it's incorrectly waiting for double the distance to be traveled compared to V3. So on V4 (on Retina) you need to move the mouse 30 "window coordinate" pixels for the pan or orbit to start while on V3 it was only 15 pixels. I'll fix that for the next beta release.

When "open in low resolution" is enabled though you should be seeing the same behavior between v3 and v4, if you do the same test in V3 and move the mouse very slowly like that you should see the same thing happening, that's intended behavior.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.205 In reply to 9266.203 
Hi Nis, it looks like there are a couple of other similar kind of subtle unintended mouse behavior bugs in v4 on Retina like when you're panning the border region size for how close you need to be to the outer viewport border for "auto pan" to engage is also incorrectly doubled.

I'll get those tuned up too, thanks for reporting the bug!

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
Hello Michael!

How are you? I hope fine :)

When V4 will be officially released?


- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.207 In reply to 9266.206 
Hi Marco, it will be released once the last area of work on it is complete. There will be a new beta within the next week though since the current beta expires middle of next month.

I'm almost done with the detailed object properties dialog, just a couple more annotation properties left to do. Here's what it looks like at the moment:

- Michael

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 From:  mkdm
9266.208 In reply to 9266.207 
Very good Properties Panel.

I wait next beta!

- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
9266.209 In reply to 9266.207 
Thats excellent! Excited for v4 release as well.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Just about there. I've got the annotation properties set up on the detailed object properties dialog:

Last thing is to implement the commands for drawing annotations. Got the icons set up:

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9266.211 In reply to 9266.210 
I see Distance display "Feet & Inch" ...I suppose there is also decimal system ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.212 In reply to 9266.211 
Hi Pilou, yes you can choose between either "Distance display: Decimal", or "Distance display: Feet & Inches" there.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.213 In reply to 9266.210 
The main missing thing will exporting dimensions to DXF and PDF/AI formats won't be ready for this next coming v4 beta, so there will need to be one more after that still.

- Michael
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 From:  Lordfox
Helo, I cant use FullScreen.JS via Shortcut - but this js file is in my harddrive on his right place

C:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta Feb-26-2019\commands

Errormessage is

ReferenceError cant find variable FullScreen ...

I dont understand it.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.215 In reply to 9266.214 
Hi Lordfox, what do you have in your keyboard shortcut?

- Michael
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Hi Mike, I was wondering when do you plane to release the next V4 BETA? Looking forward to it!
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