Those are really nice icons, van. Thanks for sharing the link. Very inspirational! I love UI design.
Hey, Lewis3D. Thanks for the compliment, man.
This is what mods are all about; optional changes. Not everybody likes a dark theme. However, I am thinking about offering a light version too or a way to easily change the color scheme.
The funny thing about this Dark Gray theme is that it all sparked from my first day using MoI. When I was navigating the Construct/Transform and the Curve/Solid tabs, I didn't know which tab was the active tab. One was blue and the other was white. Consequently, the white one looked more "active" to me so I'd click on the blue one to switch, and then the whole pane would frustratingly collapse. It didn't take long before I had the entire application turned inside out. ;-)
I just wanted to let people know that there is a very minor graphical fix to the MoI 4.0 Beta version of this theme. The browser tabs now have the same look as the 3.0 version of this theme. They look the way they are supposed to now. Feel free to download the new
Dark Gray Theme (MoI 4.0 beta) file at your leisure.
If you use the optional UI bar add-on for Max Smirnov's CustomUI, you'll need to re-apply the
Dark Gray Theme (MoI 4.0 beta) - Custom UI file after the v1.1.1 installation.
Once MoI 4.0 is out of beta, I'll be releasing a final version. (This theme was originally built for MoI 3.0.)
Note: If you've changed the Dark Gray Theme yourself and are concerned with overwriting your changes with this patch, you can manually apply this fix by finding line
#631 in the
moi.css file...
border-left:1px solid #444 !important; border-right:1px solid #444 !important;
!important overrides any conflicting styles declared throughout the application. If you find yourself wanting to change something, but nothing you do seems to be working properly, this is the best way to override all of Michael's hard work. ;-)
-- Cody