Dark Gray Theme
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 From:  eduarcor
9242.56 In reply to 9242.55 
Awesome, thanks Michael!
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 From:  Tony77
9242.57 In reply to 9242.56 
Hi guys where can I recover the gray theme ... I'm interested in installing it too.

can you explain to me how to do it?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9242.58 In reply to 9242.57 
Hi Tony,

> Hi guys where can I recover the gray theme ... I'm interested in installing it too.

There are some moi.css files linked to here:

To install it you would put one of those in place of the standard moi.css file that is in the UI subdirectory of a MoI installation.

- Michael
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 From:  Axel
9242.59 In reply to 9242.58 
Hello Michael,

can you advise please how to change the color and style of the main frame that divides the right / left / top / 3D views from each other.

I used Cody's dark theme which was really nice but since the css is not customized for v4 I would use the css files you modified for v4 of the dark themes from other users, but there the frames are default light grey.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9242.60 In reply to 9242.59 
HI Axel, that's one of the few remaining areas that is still drawn by a bitmap image instead of drawn procedurally by code. So to modify those colors you need to edit the file ViewportForeground.png in the UI folder using an image editor.

- Michael
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 From:  Axel
9242.61 In reply to 9242.60 
Hi Michael,

thank you for your advise.

Best regards,
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 From:  Axel
9242.62 In reply to 9242.61 
...what a difference with a dark frame. It was very easy and the dark theme looks much better in my opinion with the dark frames. It fits nicely.

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