Dark Gray Theme
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9242.29 In reply to 9242.28 
Sorry I did not mention the version I am using, it is V4. I did edit some stuff after the screen grab. I figured out how to adjust the radius my issue now is figuring out how to get everything aligned in one row. Once again sorry for not explaining my issue better. Thanks

EDITED: 5 Jul 2019 by OGAROGAR

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9242.30 In reply to 9242.29 
Hi Ron, please post the CommandBar.htm file for the one with multiple rows and I'll see if I can give you some tips on making it into one row.

- Michael
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9242.31 In reply to 9242.30 
Here it is. Thanks

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9242.32 In reply to 9242.31 
Hi Ron, that's identical to the one you posted before. It looks like the standard buttons like "File" "Save", "Undo", "Redo", etc.. have been removed from it, it does not match the screenshot you posted with the 2 lines that you want to make into a single line.

- Michael
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9242.33 In reply to 9242.32 
This is an updated screen-grab of my version of MOI v4 and the CommandBar.htm in its ui folder "MoI 4.0 beta Feb-27-2019" I did replace the original CommandBar.htm with the one the creator of this Dark Gray Theme provided and thats the one I have been posting. I didn't start having this issue until I installed the Dark Gray Theme into the MOI v4 "MoI 4.0 beta Feb-27-2019". If you look at the CommandBar.htm the creator of this theme provided you will see it is the same thing. I've downloaded it several times and installed it and I keep having the same issue. My friend have installed this theme and he is having the same issue. Please help me fix this if you can. Thanks and I appreciate your time and help.

The creator of this theme also added NewCommandBar.htm, and when I make it active the top row disappears.

EDITED: 5 Jul 2019 by OGAROGAR

Image Attachments:
Size: 314.3 KB, Downloaded: 71 times, Dimensions: 1919x1079px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9242.34 In reply to 9242.33 
Hi Ron, ok I see what is going on now. The author of this customized UI has split the command bar into 2 separate files, one part is "CommandBar.htm" and the other one is "_NewCommandBar.htm" and they are set up as 2 separate UIPanels in MainWindowLayout.xml .

So with that structure with it making 2 separate files and 2 UIPanels that is going to always be on 2 separate lines, that looks like it was intentionally designed that way.

To combine them, edit the file _NewCommandBar.htm and go to line 90 which has this:

				<!-- <span id="CommandBarCustomUI">
				</span> -->

Remove the comments so it looks like this instead:

				<span id="CommandBarCustomUI">

Now delete CommandBar.htm and rename _NewCommandBar.htm to CommandBar.htm and edit MainWindowLayout.xml and delete line #6 that loads _NewCommandBar.htm .

With that done you should then have the bottom command bar as a single line.

- Michael
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9242.35 In reply to 9242.34 
It worked, thank you!
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9242.36 In reply to 9242.34 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your help. I have a question... How do i change the radius in the view port?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
9242.37 In reply to 9242.36 
Hi Ron, sorry in v4 there isn't currently any way to change the radius value for that particular part of the UI.

- Michael
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I got really busy over the last couple of months and haven't checked in.

Thank you, Michael, for helping OGAR fix the issue. It looks like he installed the "Dark Gray Theme (MoI 4.0 beta) v1.1.1.zip" file and then the "Dark Gray Theme (MoI 4.0 beta) - Custom UI Bar.zip" file. The second one is only to put the Custom UI buttons in a separate row at the bottom of the screen. A user does not need the second ZIP file to make use of the Custom UI at all, as you probably know. It's purely optional if people have a lot of Custom UI buttons.

I'm glad you like the theme, OGAR. Sorry that my instructions are confusing. I'm going to revamp the first post one of these days and make it crystal clear as to what does what. I'm actually too busy using MoI to do it right now though. ;-)

I never realized before how powerful the Deform command is for jewellery design. This software is a godsend, Michael!

-- Cody


Dark Gray Theme (Compatible with MoI 3.0 and MoI 4.0 Beta)
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 From:  moontan
i've just installed it.
it's beautiful!

tnx for taking the time to create this for us Cody!! : ))
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 From:  neilwilson3412
9242.40 In reply to 9242.20 
perhaps in future release this could be a check box in the install options....to just click and pick themes.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9242.41 In reply to 9242.40 
Hi Neil, yup I definitely want to have a dark and light theme built in to MoI in the future, it's just something that I haven't been able to put any time on as of yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Axel
Hi Cody,

any chance that you update your great dark UI to the latest beta version?


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 From:  propmaster (PWWHDR70)
Hi all!

I love this UI, but I'm having a bit of a problem. Everything works great when I install this theme, as you can see.

But when I install the Custom UI Bar, things change.

It looks like the viewing panes are resized, which compacts the browser, making the text unreadable. Or maybe it's the other way around and the browser shrinks, making the panes larger. (???) There is no way to manually grab the browser edge and resize it.

I think this UI is fantastic and would like to keep using it. I would like to keep the double row of buttons so I don't have to scroll left and right. But it's vital to be able to read the information in the browser.

Is there a way to fix this? I know very little about code, but I can poke around and change a line of text if someone guides me. I just have no idea where to begin.


EDITED: 12 Sep 2020 by PWWHDR70

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9242.44 In reply to 9242.43 
Hi Patrick, yes the problem is the UI is a snapshot of some older files, and it's missing an attribute for setting the browser pane to be resizable.

The file that you need to edit is MainWindowLayout.xml which is in the ui subfolder.

Line #6, the one that defines the browser pane needs to be like this:
	<UIPanel dock="right" resizable="true" defaultWidth="15em" src="moi://ui/BrowserPane.htm"/>

You'll be missing this part: resizable="true" defaultWidth="15em"

once you add those in then your browser pane should resize again.

- Michael
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 From:  propmaster (PWWHDR70)
9242.45 In reply to 9242.44 
Awesome! Thank you, Michael!
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 From:  Axel
9242.46 In reply to 9242.45 

is that for the latest MOI version as well and originally the one from Cody?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9242.47 In reply to 9242.46 
Yep that works fine for the V 4 beta ;)

Sorry for the late test : i have put the minimum! Because I had a previous little Tools Bar sufficient for me... ;)
In French of course for me! ;) https://moiscript.weebly.com/trucs-astuces.html

and so...

EDITED: 28 Sep 2020 by PILOU

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 From:  Lavellotron
Hi All,

Is there a version of Cody's dark UI that works with the final release of v4?

If not, what are the main differences if I wanted to burn the time to rebuild and make it work?

Thanks for the help!

+1 for a pinned thread on theming that gets updated
+1 for an 'official' dark theme for Moi
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