Hi, excellent support there.
I found that the DXFs view correctly in the SolidWorks model viewer and Alibre, so it's Qcad that is working incorrectly, screenshot attached along with shot of the original (1600*1200 sorry). SheetCAM, most G code output, and things like my PCB design package (Protel, my day job) can only deal directly with lines and circular arcs, hence my interest in that. I had been using Qcad to import features that need to be converted to polylines (like ellipses), maybe not such a good idea.
I couldn't replicate the .ai issue clearly in Xara this time. It was just a file I drew very similar to the attachment shown, and deleted after playing. Your description of the approximation sounds rational (no pun intended), the thing I drew was very small.
If I come across any clear examples I'll send them. In the mean time my vote is for 2D export of circular arcs and straight line features if that's possible, so they can be directly imported into 2.5D CAM or non-mechancial CAD systems.
Thanks - Antony.