Modo 301 is released
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 From:  eddi
913.5 In reply to 913.4 
Wat, Sketchup+MoiOpenNurbs ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
BestReg`s EDDI
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
913.6 In reply to 913.5 
<New SketchUp importer and a Rhino 3dm file translator
Where we can see that?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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what do you think, is it gonna work with MOI
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 From:  Michael Gibson
913.9 In reply to 913.8 
> what do you think, is it gonna work with MOI

I don't think so - from what I heard it only reads polygon mesh data out of a .3dm file. MoI only puts NURBS data into a .3dm file, not any polygon mesh data...

Also polygon meshes inside of .3dm files are limited to triangle or quad faces, the format doesn't support N-gons.

So unless it is a lot different than I expect, you'll probably still want to use LWO for export from MoI to Modo.

- Michael
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 From:  jbshorty
that's great news if you don't own Rhino or Moi. If you do, i think it's not necessary to have this... Even if this importer bring in all Rhino lights, textures, environment from Rhino, i still find it faster and easier to just setup a render in Modo. Modo makes it sooooooo easy...

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 From:  cronbg
913.11 In reply to 913.2 
Modo 203 was indeed able to import vertex normals, but failed to handle them properly when you did subsequent transformations on the imported geometry. For example, when parts were mirrored, it seemingly did not apply that transformation to the vertex normals, which resulted in shading errors on the mirrored polygons (like if the light would come from the opposite direction).
From what I've seen so far, Modo 301 does handle this correctly now.
(However I didn't try it on more complex transformations like i.e. morph maps yet.)
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 From:  SURFiNG
Wings3D all the way :)
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