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 From:  Lewis3D
9044.56 In reply to 9044.55 
Yes, thanks, you are right i was using STEP and IGES not 3DM.

Skype - lewis3d

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 From:  albehany
9044.57 In reply to 9044.54 
Hi Michael, can you help me please Split Construct and Transform Panels in v.4
I try this http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=8064.12
but I always get error. thank you
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9044.58 In reply to 9044.57 
Hi albehany what error do you get?

Try removing the 2nd line of the script that looks at innerHTML.length, you can either delete it or put a // in front of it to comment it out.

- Michael
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 From:  albehany
9044.59 In reply to 9044.58 
Hi, sorry for bothering but I can't find the innerHTML.length
this is my html file can you please see what is the problem. thank you and sorry

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9044.60 In reply to 9044.59 
Hi albehany, sorry I thought you were trying to use the script to do it which is here:

With that way you leave the default SidePane.htm in place and put that script in MoI's appdata\startup folder so it runs on program startup.

For your editing the SidePane.htm one problem is that you've got duplicate ids here (on the lines marked with >>>>)

>>>>       <moi:PaletteHeader id="TransformTabContent">
                        <moi:TabButton id="TransformTab" class="RightTabButton"><moi:Text textid="Transform tab"/></moi:TabButton>
>>>>             	<div id="TransformTabContent">

Both of those having the same id value will cause problems. Modify the top one to id="TransformHeader" instead.

The second problem is that the close tag for the construct <moi:PaletteBody> is missing, which makes the transform tab to be a child of construct.

So immediately above the transform tab add </moi:PaletteBody> so the construct one is closed.

That should get it working after those 2 fixes I think.

- Michael
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 From:  albehany
9044.61 In reply to 9044.60 
The script just work fine. thank you so much and thank Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV) for this cool script
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Message 9044.62 deleted 10 Oct 2018 by MICHAEL GIBSON

Message 9044.63 deleted 13 Oct 2018 by MICHAEL GIBSON

 From:  Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
9044.64 In reply to 9044.61 
Hi albehany,
can you please post corrected script? :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9044.65 In reply to 9044.64 
Hi Mr. Yuri, if that MiniSidepane.js script is not working for you try editing the file in a text editor and delete the 2nd line that has the if statement in it.

- Michael
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