V4 beta Aug-28-2018 available now
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
Thanks Michael!

Excellent speed increase on loading!


Tested with Rotation script on 300mb file..

Ver.3.0 = 135 ms

Ver.4Aug28 = 30 ms! 8-)

EDITED: 29 Aug 2018 by SBEECH

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 From:  OSTexo

Significant consistent performance increase on load and display, awesome work.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Thanks everyone for testing it - I'm glad the performance updates are working well!

I have also updated the first message with the list of bug fixes and change for this release.

- Michael
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 From:  Finema
9044.17 In reply to 9044.16 
Thanks Michael !
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9044.18 In reply to 9044.16 
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
Hi Michael,

Just about everything seems to work fine so far in the new beta.

"Mac version multiple windows - Add "Window" menu to Mac version top menu. Shows all open files and allows switching between them easier. Also support Cmd+Tilde (Cmd+~) and Cmd+Shift+Tilde for switching to next/prev window."

Very convenient, thanks. That was one of the few advantages of the previous Wine-based Mac version of MoI.

"Mac AMD performance - fix problem with default buffer location with OpenGL on some AMD cards that was causing slow redraws on some machines like iMac pro."

The latest MoI V4 beta runs smoothly on my Mac. There's only one minor behaviour that occurs when panning in the viewports: as soon as the pointer nears the border of a viewport, the panning accelerates, causing the scene to quickly disappear out of view. If this doesn't occur using a mouse, then it might be related to the Wacom Intuos (Pro Medium) I'm using (latest drivers installed).

Also, I assume you've heard that Apple is ceasing OpenGL support in an attempt to motivate macOS coders to adopt their Metal library. I've heard that Metal is quite competent, but I fully understand that it's a nuisance for coders to be forced by Apple to add support for it.

What are your thoughts about Metal support? The Blender developers are planning to move to Vulkan and add a Metal wrapper for macOS, while AMD has jumped in and already added full Metal support in their free Radeon ProRender renderer.




visualization • pixel art • illustration • animation • 3D design — https://metinseven.nl


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 From:  coi (MARCO)
there was a discussion about that some time ago


But there are a couple of reasons why this is probably not a big problem for MoI.

One is that MoI does not require advanced OpenGL functions, it's not like I've been blocked by anything while waiting for them to update to a new OpenGL release level. It seems likely that they will freeze it at the current level and not just outright remove it, we'll see.

The other is that MoI v4 is well positioned to switch to Metal if necessary because part of the MoI v4 rewrite was to use a graphics library called BGFX which supports multiple rendering back ends. So MoI v4 does not make OpenGL calls itself directly, it makes calls into BGFX and then BGFX handles the OpenGL stuff. On Windows MoI calls into BGFX and BGFX uses Direct3D11 functions. So MoI's own viewport drawing code is well separated now from any specific graphics API.

BGFX also has a Metal rendering back end as well. I haven't tried using it yet because it was officially at WIP level when I started using BGFX and also Metal is only available starting on macOS 10.11 while I wanted to support older OS versions than that for v4. I might wait to try it until I'm comfortable requiring 10.11 as the minimum supported platform which is simplest but there is some possibility I could figure out supporting Metal only on 10.11+ while still supporting OpenGL on older platforms. I haven't dug into that yet. But anyway there is a pretty straightforward path to getting MoI to use Metal.

..upps, just saw, that your posted in that thread as well, but on a different matter...then just as a reminder ;D

EDITED: 30 Aug 2018 by MARCO

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9044.21 In reply to 9044.19 
Hi Metin, thanks for testing it!

> There's only one minor behaviour that occurs when panning in the viewports: as soon
> as the pointer nears the border of a viewport, the panning accelerates, causing the
> scene to quickly disappear out of view.

That sounds like the autopan function, it's so you can continue to pan in one direction without having to start a new motion.

It starts when you're a little ways out from the border and when it has started you can leave the cursor right in that spot and it will continue panning without any motion required but if you continue to move it closer to the edge it will speed up.

If it is bothering you it is possible to disable it in moi.ini under:

re: Metal, there is some previous discussion on that here:

The main thing that is bothersome about it to me is it isn't supported on older OS versions. Metal only works on 10.11 or higher, and currently MoI supports 10.8 and up. I'll probably look into it some more when I'm ready to bump up the minimum OS version that MoI supports running on. I don't really expect to gain much with a switch over though, MoI already does a good job of batching things up so things like lower driver overhead is not likely to make any difference for my particular case.

So it is annoying in the sense that it will involve doing some work for no particular benefit.

If it helps Apple make higher quality drivers then that could be a benefit though. That's why MoI doesn't use OpenGL on Windows. On Windows MoI uses Direct3D11 primarily because the drivers for it tend to be better tested and overall high quality.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
9044.22 In reply to 9044.21 
DisableAutoPan has solved the panning behaviour, many thanks Michael. If you'd get a penny for everything you've solved here, you'd be a millionaire. :)

And I suspected I had already discussed the Metal issue here, but as I also did at the Blender forum and ZBrush forum, my memory failed me. :)

I fully understand your arguments regarding Metal, and like you mentioned MoI already runs smoothly in its current incarnation. Apple will undoubtedly include OpenGL for quite some time to come, just will not support it anymore. So you will have plenty of time to make a transition when you're ready for it.




visualization • pixel art • illustration • animation • 3D design — https://metinseven.nl
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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Michael,

Have tested in MoiV4 June and same problem with STEP export part names are lost when imported into SW.

Here are all the files.

EDITED: 23 Dec 2023 by ALEXPOLO


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 From:  Michael Gibson
9044.24 In reply to 9044.23 
Hi Alex, thanks for sending the files. I tested opening the V4 STEP file in Rhino, ViaCAD, Autodesk online viewer, and back into MoI and the names come through ok in all those cases.

I see in a discussion on the SolidWorks forum from last year where you were asking about a similar problem, another user mentioned to try unchecking the "enable 3D interconnect" option in SolidWorks, does that make any difference?

I have sent a message to the author of the STEP import/export library that MoI uses to ask what has changed in STEP export with the newer library that is used in v4 (the June v4 beta updated these libraries from v1.7.11 to v2.0.8) and if there is any way to configure the export to get SolidWorks to see the name.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Michael,

I have checked with SW Interconnect function and when I switch to this mode where it keeps the step file as a reference file which you can re edit whether it comes out of MoiV3 or MoiV4 the parts names are lost - will do some more research on this I use this heavily in my work flow - I use MOI as a concept tool and general shaping do final preparation in SW then save as STEP for sharing with other SW users.

EDITED: 26 Jan 2020 by ALEXPOLO

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9044.26 In reply to 9044.25 
Hi Alex, can you please contact me by e-mail at moi@moi3d.com and we can continue there?

The author of the STEP import/export library wants to send some test files over to you to see if this can be tuned up.

Thanks, - Michael
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Message 9044.27 deleted 1 Sep 2018 by BEMFARMER

 From:  pafurijaz
Hi, I just wanted to report that in version 4 is not remembered the last directory all the times that I have to open a file I have to redo the path through the various directories, only if a file is saved in .3dm Moi format v4 remembers the last route used, with Version 3 this does not happen. Of course I must also say that I use Moi3D with Wine.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9044.29 In reply to 9044.28 
Hi pafurijaz, thank you for reporting the file open directory problem.

It seems like that may be a bug in Wine since normally on Windows the file dialog system code does the job of remembering the last used directory. It should not be difficult to make MoI do that itself when running on Wine though, I will look into that.

- Michael
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 From:  JaXXoN
9044.30 In reply to 9044.1 

Just a quick update concerning MoIV4 on Linux/wine, the object selection issue (as discussed earlier at http://moi3d.com/forum/messages.php?webtag=MOI&msg=8839.1) still exists for nvidia cards. I tested on Fedora 28 with nvidia driver 396.45.

best regards

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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
Hi Michael,

I just noticed something and don't know if this is related to the MoI V4 beta or not, but as I've only installed the latest beta I thought to post it in this thread.

When I use the copy PDF to clipboard function (Top view, Fit to page), then paste it into Affinity Designer, the orientation of the pasted layer is tilted. You can see it in this combined screenshot:


— Metin


visualization • illustration • animation • 3D design — metinseven.nl

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9044.32 In reply to 9044.31 
Hi Metin, hmm that's interesting. I'm not aware of anything that MoI is setting in the PDF to make that happen, I'd think it's likely something that would need to be fixed in Affinity Designer.

I just tried it over here using MoI v4 and Affinity Designer v1.5.0.36 (on Windows) and I don't see that happening:

Do you have any other programs that can put a PDF on the clipboard to see what happens with them?

- Michael

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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
9044.33 In reply to 9044.32 
Hi Michael,

Indeed, when you copy a native MoI rectangle to the PDF clipboard, all is fine, but try the one in the attached MoI file.

A parent layer is automatically created in Affinity Designer, but you'll have to select the child layer (the actual shape).

The rectangle in the attached MoI file was created by:

1: Unwrapping Isocurves from a solid using UnwrapCurve.
2: Using Sweep to create a surface from the unwrapped U and V curves.
3: Selecting the edges of the surface and using Join to create a new closed rectangle.


— Metin


visualization • illustration • animation • 3D design — metinseven.nl

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