Pattern on a Sphere
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 From:  James (JFH)
9014.180 In reply to 9014.179 

"... time for exploration of Node Editor..."

I encourage you to do so,
it can be frustration at first,
but stick with it,
because once you break through,
it is an incredibility rewarding pursuit.

Persistence is key!

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 From:  mkdm
9014.181 In reply to 9014.176 
Hello James!

It's always a pleasure watching your creations :)
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Message 9014.182 deleted 21 Aug 2020 by MICHAEL GIBSON

Message 9014.183 deleted 22 Dec 2021 by JFH

 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9014.184 In reply to 9014.15 
Hello Speedy,

I have downloaded this .Nod file but I think it is not working because it might be out of date?

How can I get it up and runing?
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