OpenGL is deprecated in 10.14 Mojave
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8964.8 In reply to 8964.5 
Hi yannada,

> Wow thats great news. Michael it seems once again you have made the right move :)

Yup, it has definitely turned out to be the right choice. I wasn't sure at first because it's very much focused on games. But with some relatively minor changes it's been great.

I already knew I needed to be able to target different system APIs because OpenGL is not a good choice for Windows due to poor quality drivers being very common.

> Driven by the Apple announcements I suspect bgfx ought to get a few page hits.

Yup, probably. It has already been gaining a lot of momentum in the indie game dev community.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8964.9 In reply to 8964.7 
Hi Pilou,

> It's not my play field but seems MoltenVK permit to use Metal on other OS !
> (Open source and free! ;)

Actually no that's not for running Metal on another OS, it's for using another API called Vulkan on Mac.

Vulkan is a new API that is in some ways a kind of successor to OpenGL in that it's meant to be cross platform. It's very new though and drivers don't seem to have reached maturity yet. Another big hole was no Vulkan implementation on Mac/iPhone but that's what MoltenVK is meant to fill in.

It might be a good choice like 10 years from now but it's difficult to reach the same level of driver quality on Windows as Direct3D has.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8964.10 In reply to 8964.9 
Thanks for the precisions!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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