
 From:  MoI beta tester (MOI-TESTER)

Some bug in my opinion (program working fine but it's other things bug:

About sweep I wont create that element on the picture but as you can see he didn't look like he should:
http://www.new.vel.pl/bug1.jpg -I think it's not ok

About chamfer I create simple chamfer but chamfer edge like that it's not ok (I think chamfer here work like filet as you can see, he tesselate edges like use filet. I show good chamfer done in other program):

About extrud some times I use tool like that and it's good when there is not only cap ends but cap strat and cap end thay should be on when we trun on extrude like now is on cap ends.

One more I think in option add point can be secoud option (hide like in other options example filet) delete point (or maybe I can't found that option)

Sorry for my english

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
89.2 In reply to 89.1 

For kill a point(s)
Select a curve
Show Points
Deselect all
(you see the points)
Clic your points to kill : press the key delete :)

EDITED: 9 Sep 2006 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
89.3 In reply to 89.1 
Thanks for the feedback!

> About sweep

This looks like a meshing problem - when MoI wants to display a surface, it creates a triangle mesh for it, and if it does not put enough triangles in it, it can look wrong like this. Right now this sometimes happens in shallow curved areas like you have there. If you can post the file, I will put it on my list of meshing problems. It will probably be a couple of months before this area is improved.

You can sometimes adjust the meshing parameters to improve this - under Options try checking "Add detail to inflections", or reduce surface angle slightly to maybe 7 or 8. But don't reduce it too much or everything will get too many polygons and stuff will start to slow down.

> About chamfer

I've added this to the next beta. In the next beta release, there will be a "Straight corners" option that you can check to get the style that you want.

> Extrude - Cap Start / Cap End

There is an easy way to remove just the start or end cap after you've done an extrude - just select that face and hit delete. Extrude already has quite a few different options in it, I sort of hesitate to add another option in it for something that is pretty easy to get just with delete...

- Michael
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 From:  MoI beta tester (MOI-TESTER)
89.4 In reply to 89.3 

Thx Pilou for unswear.

Michael here I add the file create new because I didn't save the last one:


Add detais in opitions is helping is there option to show the wire in view port??

Other question that program will be for free or some money and how much if that:)??

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
89.5 In reply to 89.4 
< that program will be for free or some money and how much if that:)??
Michael said something like Silo 2 but not many more :)
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 From:  MoI beta tester (MOI-TESTER)
89.6 In reply to 89.5 
silo 2?? how much is $:)??
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 From:  Michael Gibson
89.7 In reply to 89.6 
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 From:  Michael Gibson
89.8 In reply to 89.4 
> http://www.new.vel.pl/sweep.3dm

Thanks, I've got that in my pile of meshing problems now.

> is there option to show the wire in view port??

Nope, sorry, there isn't any wireframe-only view option right now.

But you can select faces and hide them if they are getting in your way, though.

- Michael
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 From:  MoI beta tester (MOI-TESTER)
109$ or somethink like that, that will be greate price I think.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
89.10 In reply to 89.9 

< 109$ or somethink like that, that will be greate price I think
Sure but that was for Silo 1 :) Moi 1 seems don't follow the same way :)
Silo 2 is more like 159 $ :)
slide the page

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 From:  MoI beta tester (MOI-TESTER)
89.11 In reply to 89.10 
It's good to Pilou:)
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 From:  Michael (MMHS)
89.12 In reply to 89.1 
You may have figured that out yourself, but just in case, you can achieve straight corners by chamfering/filleting one edge first, then the one next to it (or, for your example first chamfer two opposing edges, then the other two).

Michael H.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
89.13 In reply to 89.12 

Cool tips ! (and if you have odd numbered edges, just make the last after made the others even chamfers edges :)
Seems you can clic edges (not oposite but like that) A C, B D, E G, F H, I K, J L...etc in a following list when you have many edges !
And for the M alone, chamfer it after alone :)

EDITED: 11 Sep 2006 by PILOU

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